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March 28, 2025

Edgar County State’s Attorney

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - CNN has been working on a "Death Row Stories" segment featuring Michale Callahan and Randy Steidl for the past several months. It is scheduled to air this spring. In the past, national media featured the double murder in Paris, Illinois, and the subsequent wrongful...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - On December 11, 2014, Theresa Michelle Smith, 55 years old, turned herself in on warrants issued out of Edgar County for two felony counts that include: Case Number: 14-CF-191 -Financial exploitation of elderly/disabled $300 - $5,000 -Financial exploitation of elderly/disabled $100,000 + No further information is...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - THIRTY months ago, the Edgar County State's Attorney sent a letter to the Illinois Attorney General asking for advice and opinion on a potential conflict of interest on a Sheriff and/or Deputy Sheriff sitting on the Edgar County Emergency Telephone Systems Board. The...

DuPage Co. (ECWd) - While researching other matters pertaining to the College of DuPage, I came across a rather humorous set of minutes.  Humorous because  it is clear our higher educational institutions not only understand the law, but actually apply it properly. Humorous because our own State's...

EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - This is one more example of the extremely sorry state of the Airport under the Jimmy Wells, Chris Patrick, Mike Heltsley, and Adonna Bennett reign out at the Airport. What a freak-show that was! On October 31, 2014, the Illinois Attorney General's Public...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd - News they don't want you to know) - In a surprisingly timed, but not unexpected move (for us), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has ordered the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics (IDOT-DA), to direct the Edgar County Board to suspend...

EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - As with may of the items we get involved with, it sometimes takes months or even years to finally come around to the point of satisfactory resolution. The Edgar County Airport is just another example of the time-consuming work the has not yet...

EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - It's becoming ever so clear there is a person or group of people within the Sheriff's office that will stoop to any level possible in order to influence the upcoming election.  Levels that include lies, fabrications, and outright forgery. Every resident in this...
