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March 9, 2025

Edgar County State’s Attorney

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - On December 15, 2015 I submitted a request for public records to RIDES Mass Transit District, for all communications between them and Edgar County. [documentcloud url=""] I received an answer the same day. What I was interested in was any information they may be...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - This article is simply another in the long line of problems created when the Edgar County Board refuses to follow the law, even when that law and their proposed actions are pointed out to them well in advance of any decision they...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - It wasn't much more than a year ago when the Edgar County Board, finally, after significant prodding, realized there was a legal requirement to place its insurance contracts out for bid. This requirement is codified in state law. At least three times...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - Karl Farnham came up with some pretty good excuses, the problem is they are not true. Well, one thing was true, that a lawsuit would have been filed if Sheriff Wood would have been reappointed to the ETSB board. Other than that, everything...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - Published November 12, 2015 - If you relied on local media to report the happenings in respect to county business, you would have missed a very important issue this month - health insurance for county elected officials. Previously we have reported on board...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - In past articles I wrote about Board Member Karl Farnham collecting insurance payments in violation of law,  Board Members Mike Heltsley and Alan Zuber collecting "opt-out" payments in violation of law, State's Attorney Mark Isaf collecting the opt-out payments and previous...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - Is it any wonder certain county board members are collecting county insurance benefits (Farnham, and Heltsley and Zuber) in violation of law when the very person charged with prosecuting lawbreakers and advising the county board "as to their duties and responsibilities...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - With absolute disbelief that any person, or group of people, could be so wrong, I read the editorial in this week's Prairie Press on their assumption that "There is no conflict" in Sheriff Jeff Wood being on the Edgar County ETS...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - Video of the Edgar County Board Study Session is below. This meeting was held on October 26, 2015 at the Edgar County Highway Department. Enjoy watching Karl Farnham ignoring people during public comment - he does this when he doesn't like the subject,...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - According to records obtained thru the Freedom Of Information Act, County Board Members Mike Heltsley and Alan Zuber have received payments in excess of their compensation as set by the County Board on November 23, 2011. Mike Heltsley violated law and received...
