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March 28, 2025

Coles County

Charleston, IL – Contrary to what was reported in IllinoisReview, Rep. Reggie Phillips is not "actively considering leaving the state," according to Phillips. State Representative Reggie Phillips today announced he will seek a second term as State Representative in the 110th District. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 Contact:  Reggie...

Charleston, IL. (ECWd) - The Executive Director and National Chair of the U.S. Tumbling and Trampoline Association, and Second Lt. Governor of the AAU Central Illinois District, Mrs. Patti Lingenfelter, has confirmed that Lawson, the owner of Sun Elite, has been barred from participating in events...

Coles County (ECWd) - When a law enforcement entity breaks the law, who can the people turn to for accountability?  As referenced in this article, Edgar County was plagued with illegal gun sales and to date totally ignored by that State's Attorney, Mark Isaf. January 17th, 2014...
