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March 28, 2025

Coles County

COLES CO., IL. - Disclosure News Online UDPATED article with court records (click here). There are definite problems within Illinois school districts…and something that’s happened with a science teacher at Mattoon High School underscores this. Further, the situation as it stands with a huge number of kids being...

Coles Co. (ECWd) During last months meeting, the County Board recessed their meeting instead of adjourning because of Budget approval matters. That being the case, I spoke with State's Attorney Brian Bower and raised the concern regarding the public's ability to speak at the next County...

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="224"] Google map: W. Lincoln[/caption] CHARLESTON, IL. (ECWd) - Apparently the incident was closer than we initially thought. Calls indicate it was between or included 825 and/or 811 W. Lincoln (American Watchdogs, Inc.) in Charleston,, which is the main east-west thoroughfare. Audio of the 911 calls...
