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March 28, 2025

Algonquin Township

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Once again we find Gift Cards being purchased with the American Express card in Bob Miller's name. According to the record it claims 6 cards were purchased for $200.00, however, the charge on the credit card is for $1,250.00.  Is this another case...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - This is complicated so please make sure you read the articles linked and documents linked in those articles in order to follow why Bob Miller owes the Township Road District $47,381.84, and we believe at some point either the circuit court or appellate...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - We received more evidence that funds are being spent illegally, and confirmation the Clerk has a problem understanding plain English. The Bob Miller American Express card has gift card purchases in June of 2016 totaling $371.80.  These gift cards were purchased at Jewel/Osco.  The...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Last November the Algonquin Township Clerk, Karen Lukasik, denied my request for a copy of all personal reimbursements made to the Township for purchases made on Township credit cards. "Your request is denied pursuant to 5 ILCS 140/3(g) because the request for information...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Once again credit card records from the Algonquin Township Road District American Express card statement point to illegal purchases.  Bob Miller's name appears on those statements. The Illinois Constitution Article VIII section 1(a),  points to three key points.  Public funds, property, and credit.  Those three items...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Credit card records we have obtained once again point to Algonquin taxpayer dollars going into the pockets of a Hooters restaurant in Brookfield, Wisconsin.  Of interest is the fact approximately one year earlier a similar charge to this same restaurant was exposed...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Reviewing legal bills sent to the Township we identified that the Algonquin Township attorney billed the Township for calling a prospective moderator, Karen Lukasik, April 10th, 2017, one day before the Annual Meeting of the Township Electors. "Apr-10-17    Call prospective moderator K. Luksik ...
