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March 28, 2025

Algonquin Township

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Payroll records for Doug Helman of the Algonquin Township Road District reflect something quite different than what he claimed in a March 2, 2017 video captured by a current Township Trustee, Racheal Lawrence. His claim on video appears to point to him knowing it...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - [caption id="attachment_49639" align="alignleft" width="115"] Ed Komenda photo from Muckrack[/caption] A recent publication by the Northwest Herald reporter Ed Komenda appears to be not only another anti-attorney Hanlon hit piece, but a clear misrepresentation of the facts, to include flat-out false statements. False Statement: Hanlon and...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Algonquin Township Attorney James Kelly has provided some interesting information to the Road District's Attorney Rob Hanlon regarding our Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Township.  Interesting because it appears to contain false information. "It is my understanding that the Supervisor and Highway...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - With ongoing criminal investigations, lawsuits that involve unfulfilled requests for records, and reports of record destruction by Township officials, we have to admit we never thought we would find what we found today. We first exposed the record destruction issue in Algonquin Township in...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - We recently exposed the Township Clerk Karen Lukasik and her childish games being played in this article.  In this e-mail exchange, she clearly stated, "This is the fourth threat that I have on record from you.” Seeing that the Clerk claimed to now...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - The Algonquin Road District filed a RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO PETITION OF ROBERT MILLER TO INTERVENE in the McHenry County Circuit Court. Although the Response is directly on point regarding Attorney Thomas Gooch's poor attempt to invoke an attorney-client privilege for Bob Miller, other...
