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March 28, 2025

Author: Kirk Allen & John Kraft

Will Co. (ECWd) - I think it is pretty safe to say the general population has had enough from government corruption and insider dealings, such as creating jobs for their friends and family.  In most cases that local sausage-making takes place behind closed doors and the...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - As we continue to compare statements in the Final Report from the State's Attorney's office and documents produced in the civil action against Bob Miller, the former Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner, we continue to find conflicts raising more questions. As we reported in...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - We encourage everyone to read the first article in this series at this link. As we continue to compare the McHenry County State's Attorney's Final Report on the criminal investigation of Algonquin Township Road District's former Highway Commissioner Bob Miller, and the answers...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - The former highway commissioner for Algonquin Township Road District, Bob Miller, invoked his 5th amendment rights during the criminal investigation according to the McHenry County State's Attorney Patrick Kenneally.  Because of that, Miller never had to answer any questions nor appeared before...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - The former Algonquin Township Road District Highway Commissioner was recently required to respond to interrogatories in the lawsuit the Road District brought against him in an effort to recover funds allegedly taken in violation of the law.  Reviewing those answers and exhibits...

Will Co. (ECWd) - As our investigation continues in DuPage Township we find more people are beginning to speak out on illegal activities that went on at the Township during former Supervisor Bill Mayer's terms in office. A year ago Mayer stated that he would provide an...

Illinois (ECWd) - For the purpose of this article, we are addressing non-home rule public bodies, specifically County and Township government. More times than we can count, we hear County and Township officials claim they don't have to bid out their insurance because their lawyer told...

Will Co.. (ECWd) - DuPage Township Trustee Oliver has made it crystal clear that she believed a person requesting private information to be used to set up the Township Quickbooks accounting has committed a crime of identity theft.  She attempted to perpetuate that fantasy during last...

Will Co. (ECWd) - During this week's DuPage Township meeting I raised the issue of Trustee Oliver's lack of being a person of her word.  For months Oliver went to great strides to flaunt her knowledge of a criminal complaint allegedly against a Trustee and that...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Once again, the Algonquin Township Board (Circus Clowns), played games, and again, the Board's ignorance and their Attorney's silence will cost the taxpayers more money. Back in December of 2018, the Township board played games with the Road District Levy to include fabricating...
