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March 28, 2025

Author: Kirk Allen & John Kraft

Will Co. (ECWd) - We just learned that US Attorney Zachary T. Fardon has issued another subpoena regarding malfeasance we have exposed at Lincoln-Way D210.  In this case, however, the subpoena was issued to the Frankfort Square Park District Executive Director Jim Randall. They are seeking; "Any and...

Ottawa, IL (ECWd) - We ask that the Governor VETO SB212 as all indications are this is nothing more than a method-of-cover being set in place for La Salle County State's Attorney Brian Towne.  Many people in this country are waking up and realizing how...

United States Vs. Texas (ECWd) - You can ask most any person in Illinois if corruption is a problem in our State Government, and the answer would be yes.  Ask them if they can trust their government, and it's an overwhelming, No.  As we travel throughout this state...
