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March 14, 2025

Erik Sacks: Conspiracy Theorist, Urbana Alderman, and U of I Professor; Ticketed for Destroying City Property –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 3, 2021


According to an article on, with ample supporting documentation, the now-appointed Alderman Erick Sacks was ticketed for the destruction of city property when he allegedly hired a contractor to remove asphalt on a newly paved alley behind his house.

Read the article on – it is quite an eye-opener as to who Erik Sacks really is.

Erik Sacks is also apparently a conspiracy theorist as reported by and and as evidenced in his February emailed letter to around 500 residents of the West Urbana Neighborhood Association (“WUNA”).

Sacks put on his tin-foil hat to “inform” WUNA residents, without any independent research, of the patently false allegations from a defense contractor’s former employee – who was terminated from her $80,000+ job after we exposed that she lied about her employer in Florida Court documents while she was trying to obtain a frivolous order of protection against her neighbor. She is now apparently seeking payback for “losing” her job, and has opened up at least four websites, each pointing to the other to imply legitimacy, filled with her own lies and conspiracy theories. According to her own court records, she is also employed by a Facebook group that appears to be about nothing but smearing certain candidates (mostly minority candidates) in the upcoming DuPage Township and Bolingbrook elections.

Sacks is the classic liar running for local office, taking advantage of his appointed position to use tin-foil-hat keywords and talking points to try and convince other people that the “city is under attack” and that his opponents are “extreme right-wing and part of the patriot movement” – which is a lie, and we believe he knew it was a lie when he linked to the Florida woman’s deranged ramblings on her webpage.


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  • Clean It All Up
    Posted at 20:33h, 04 April

    Hiring someone to rip up city property should automatically disqualify someone from getting appointed to alderman. What was the mayor thinking? The neighbors and the city should have sued Captain Asphalt and his hired contractor back to the cobblestone era.

  • Aaron
    Posted at 16:43h, 03 April

    Typical democrap

  • Justice Seeker
    Posted at 13:25h, 03 April

    He is exactly why I would not want to pay outrageous money to send my child to college. It is time for conservatives to unite and stand against this falsehood. Just like the victim who had their address and email made public. Folks, stop patting that person on the back and unite behind them and attend meetings. Speak up. Don’t just wait for others to do it.

  • Dave
    Posted at 12:42h, 03 April

    The picture appears to be a picture of arrogance

  • PK
    Posted at 12:22h, 03 April

    The city of Urbana’s ‘policies’ for the OMA and FOIA are faulty to the bone; so its understandable that Mr. Sacks (an assistant professor) would endeavor to make it seem like the skin of the city has no recourse. Unfortunately, an external blame strategy appears to thrive by way of certain City of Urbana administrative appointments.

    Posted at 12:06h, 03 April

    All other things aside, I noted with interest – and disdain – in your article, that this guy refers to those against him as “…part of the patriot movement.” He needs to explain himself. Since when is being an American Patriot – no organizational or ideology affiliations inferred, except to support America and the Constitution that grants him the freedoms he exercises – a point for debate or condemnation? This goof paints with a very broad brush. Not a very wise comment from a purported “intellectual.”

    • Mike Gorman
      Posted at 19:27h, 03 April

      An assistant professor and an “intellectual” on the highly technical and exceptionally sophisticated subject of…

      perennial grass breeding.

      Let that sink in.
