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March 28, 2025

Gov Pritzker runs to Federal Courts seeking approval of Executive Orders –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 12, 2020

Chicago, IL. (ECWd) –

Yesterday, Illinois’ Governor Pritzker ran to the Federal Courts, Northern and Southern Districts in Illinois, seeking to remove lawsuits over his business closures and stay at home orders from the Illinois Circuit Courts and place them into Federal Courts.

Pritzker has always said this all needed to be handled locally.  Now he has completely walked that position back on all fronts including the third branch of government being the judicial system. We have been asked if, by removing these to federal court, is he usurping our state’s judicial system and trying to run the state like a complete tyrant?

After the Illinois Supreme Court denied his Emergency Motion for a supervisory order, he apparently has decided on forum shopping and desperately seeking favor in any court he can find.

On May 11, 2020, Governor Pritzker filed Motions in three separate cases for removal from State Circuit Courts and placing in the Federal Courts.

Promenschenkel, dba Poopy’s Pub & Grub v. J.B. Pritzker

A Notice of Removal from the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in Carroll County (state case filing here) was filed in this case, alleging the actions filed by Poopy’s arises under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States because “Plaintiffs alleged the Executive Order – which they claim has required them to close their business – violates [their] fundamental liberty interest and offers no procedural or substantive due process as required by the United States and Illinois Constitutions.” Prizker’s Removal was noticed up in the Northern District of Illinois, Western Division.

Dookie Set, Inc. v. J.B. Pritzker

A Notice of Removal from the Fourth Judicial Circuit in Clinton County (state case filing here) was filed in this case, alleging the actions filed by Dookie Set arises under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States because “Plaintiffs alleged the Executive Order – which they claim has required them to close their business – violates [their] fundamental liberty interest and offers no procedural or substantive due process as required by the United States and Illinois Constitutions.” Prizker’s Removal was noticed up in the Southern District of Illinois.

Sonja Harrison dba Visible Changes v. J.B. Pritzker

A Notice of Removal from the Fourth Judicial Circuit in Clay County (state case filing here and its brief) was filed in this case, alleging the actions filed by Visible Changes arises under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States because “Plaintiffs alleged the Executive Order – which they claim has required her to close her hair salon business – violates [her] fundamental liberty interest and offers no procedural or substantive due process as required by the United States and Illinois Constitutions.” Prizker’s Removal was noticed up in the Southern District of Illinois.


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  • bob
    Posted at 11:01h, 15 May

    Don’t understand most people. One can overcome financial issues, believe me, I have had to overcome several in my lifetime. This is not the first time I have wondered if I was going to be able to pay my bills or put food on the table. Everything works out in the end, have faith. The difference is that you can come back from financial issues, but one can not come back from death. If your dead, financial issues don’t mean shit, DO THEY???? The local health departments are saying the same thing and the plan is based on their findings. Wake up people.

    • PK
      Posted at 22:12h, 15 May

      “Don’t understand most people.” reads like a request or demand of others. As your resilience, faith, and spare time allow, listen to the Madison County board engaging with the public and their local health department. Audio recordings of these recent meetings are posted here by the ECWd. Good night.

  • kathy
    Posted at 10:11h, 15 May

    So…I read a statement today that made a lot of sense. COVID19 is here to stay. The choice is: COVID19 with a functioning economy or COVID19 with a wrecked economy and all that entails. The one thing constant…is COVID19.

  • anonymous
    Posted at 14:24h, 13 May

    They wonder why people are leaving Illinois.
    Pritzker does believe that he is the ultimate power of Illinois.
    No the people of Illinois are the ones who are the ultimate power.

    • Moosehunter
      Posted at 13:31h, 15 May

      How can I donate to these causes

  • Snow Bear
    Posted at 10:01h, 13 May

    He bought election $ 731,000,000 of own money!!!!

    • HT
      Posted at 16:37h, 13 May

      And that justifies that he should be able to do what he wants with the state? It’s fortunately still America, and not some banana republic.

  • Cristina Coleman
    Posted at 04:25h, 13 May

    In my opinion the Governor was placed between a rock and a hard place. If he hadn’t made the order and thousands more died they would say he didnt make enough sanctions to keep the citizens safe. If he made an extended order as he did people yell and scream about that. We are still seeing thousands of new cases a week in all parts of the state. I dont like staying closed any more than other small businesses but I sure as hell dont want to get sick and pass it to my grandchild or anyone else I love.

    • Jerry Rogers Lutker
      Posted at 06:47h, 13 May

      I certainly understand your dilemma. For those that are concerned, you may stay closed, it’s your choice. We need a common sense approach to let businesses make their own choice to open or stay closed. No one will be forcing anyone to shop these businesses.

    • HT
      Posted at 14:37h, 13 May

      I don’t understand the misplaced empathy for this crooked governor as well as the overhyped fear the he cast over some folks. The issue is here not simply just not liking to stay inside. The single most essential issue is life, the way of life that Americans have a right to exercise.

      All empathy should be for the folks who have had their livelihood and earnings cut off with no end in sight, dictated by a bunch of people who know nothing and care nothing about making a living, supporting a family, or even staying healthy. They decide what’s essential for us. If you are in the system where you contribute to their funds, like the pot business, you are deemed essential. Abortion clinics are also essential, but heart stent procedures or certain cancer scans are not essential and can wait. Reconcile that!

      Meanwhile, we’re all supposed to simply shut up and listen to their nonsensical garbage speeches spewing unsubstantiated metrics provided by some unknown sources. The Chicago mayor is just simply repeating the same BS and further double down on her display of her newfound royalty.

      There are always risks in life, and we all have choices to reject or accept certain risks. Otherwise, we’d all be living in a bubble suit with a feeding tube from the government feeding us green mush.

      Do you actually believe that any government can protect us from health issues? Have you forgotten that there are STILL other causes of death, other infectious diseases that are constantly attacking us? Are you aware that this government has now counted deaths from various causes as due to this virus? The fear just keeps getting dialed up and up, and they keep changing the definitions of what “flatten the curve” means and create their own metrics, because fear works.

      The folks who have no problem with having the government take over our lives are only those who still collect paychecks from the government. Let’s switch places of those people with those who have their work and business destroyed, and guaranteed, their tunes will change in 1 week.

      Totally misplaced concerns and empathy.

    • Usonia
      Posted at 15:14h, 14 May

      You are not “seeing new cases”, you are seeing increased testing results which you wrongly perceive to be an increase in infectivity. The tests mean nothing inasmuch as Covid has never been isolated. You need something to test against, and my dear, it isn’t there! And what of the so-called “infected”? Are they actually sick? The overwhelming majority aren’t. The death rates are purposely exaggerated to keep people like you afraid. Do not forget that frightened people do stupid things.

    • Keith owens
      Posted at 17:51h, 14 May

      IF you are seeing cases each week, I guarantee you MOST are incorrectly coded….and if each POSITIVE test is being labeled as a “new” case, they are also INCORRECTLY labeled. Since SARS, anyone who had SARS WILL test positive, but doesn’t mean they have the virus

  • David Wellendorf
    Posted at 18:45h, 12 May

    Before push comes to shove, Law Enforcement needs to be reminded of their oath to defend the Constitution and that elected politicians are not above that Law. They are responsible to refuse to obey unlawful orders and, if necessary, arrest that official. They are our first line of defense against tyranny.

  • HT
    Posted at 12:16h, 12 May

    Here’s a simple and maybe stupid question. Aren’t we all missing the idea and requirement for checks and balances in the way the US and its states are governed?

    I’m pretty sure what I first learned about the American Constitution and government when I arrived here more than 40 years ago still stand today. Am I wrong?

    Shouldn’t the spot light be put on the puppet AG as well? Why is he running around taking orders from this pr*ck and not do his job to “check” the executive branch for breach?

    • George Seinfeld
      Posted at 13:16h, 12 May

      Because they both report to Mike Madigan

  • HT
    Posted at 09:52h, 12 May

    I’m sure we’ll all hear the media will all call for a boycott of the ventilator candidate’s hotel chain, like they did about Trump. I’m sure we’ll also hear the details of how an heir billionaire bought the election. I’m sure we’ll all hear about the forfeit of his annual salary, like Trump does. I’m sure we’ll incessantly hear the media call this tyrant for what he is.
    Here are those media reports ” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”

    • Snow Bear
      Posted at 09:57h, 13 May

      He did buy the election $ 731 ,000,000 out of own pocket

  • David Somerset
    Posted at 09:51h, 12 May

    Planned Pritzker V. Poopy’s & Dookie‘s, # 20 C 666

  • Ted Hartke
    Posted at 09:44h, 12 May

    Pritzker going to loose lawsuits from Poopy and also Dookie…….

    • kathy
      Posted at 18:16h, 16 May

      Since the governor had those kicked to Federal court it is uncertain when they will be heard…

      • PK
        Posted at 22:12h, 16 May

        And the Peoria case is now convenient to Sangamon county circuit court, I guess.

  • David Somerset
    Posted at 09:38h, 12 May

    It’s almost worth the pain, aggravation and humiliation of suffering under a professional
    moron like Pritzker just to learn there’s a Poopy’s in the once great state of Illinois.

    Go Poopy’s!

  • MdStine
    Posted at 09:25h, 12 May

    When you use your trust money to buy an election and think it gives you King status. THEN while on the stage attempting to interview for a senior federal government management position with the spotlight on you it is obvious to all your purchase was WAY beyond your intellectual and professional capacity ……

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 09:18h, 12 May

    Is Illinois Governor Pritzker’s money being used to remove “his” embarrassingly unfavorable result from Illinois courts….and into federal courts; or is this taxpayer’s money and the AG’s office doing his bidding in spite of Illinois Law? Shame on the AG’s office if so.

    The State of Chicago with Gestapo Pritzker: and the State of Illinois with the rest of us, need to exist separately.

  • Sarah
    Posted at 09:15h, 12 May

    You’re only now being asked if Pritzker is trying to run things like a tyrant?

  • Dave
    Posted at 09:04h, 12 May

    And they wonder why people have little trust in state govt
