Adam Lopez, Springfield School District 186 Board Member:
- was recently terminated as a Country Financial agent,
- is currently under Springfield Police Department investigations of at least $615,000 missing from a family member’s investment account since 2015. According to FOX 55, the money came from his aunt and uncle, who went from looking towards a comfortable retirement to almost nothing and wondering how to make their homeowners insurance payment
- has an improper (we consider it illegal) interest in an advertising contract with the school district,
- under fire for alleged improper self-dealing with a basketball tournament in his name held at Lanphier High School,\
- Lincoln Land Community College terminated 5-year contract to host Adam Lopez’ basketball Tournament
- and now we are informed of more alleged improper interest in advertising contracts with the school district
Adam Lopez must immediately resign from the School Board to avoid any more embarrassment to the district. If the allegations of missing money don’t nail him, surely these inappropriate advertising contracts will.
The District spent more than $300,000 with Brown, Hay and Stephens (Roland Cross), which included signage for inside the Lanphier High School gym during 2015, 2016, and 2017, of which was an advertisement for Board Member Adam Lopez’ Country Financial business to be placed at the scorer’s bench during games.
We were only previously aware of the outside signage.
In 2016, the sign company sent a $103,942.00 invoice (plus $2,940 extended warrantee option) for a 20-foot long electronic marque signage for the scoring table inside the gymnasium bearing Adam Lopez Country Financials’ name. It was signed as approved by the Assistant Principal / Athletic Director.
All of this was without the required School Board permission.
We believe that by participating in an advertising contract with the school district, Adam Lopez violated the public trust and violated the law by using his position as a school board member to gain a personal and business financial advantage thru advertising. We also believe this activity violates the School Code and the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act for prohibited interest in contracts.
This district needs to reevaluate its purchasing policy, and it needs to forward this information to the Springfield Police Department to become part of a criminal investigation into alleged illegal contracts with the school district in which Adam Lopez is an elected board member.
Rushton Lanphier sign.
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