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March 29, 2025

Carlinville getting sued again – failing to answer FOIA requests –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 4, 2017


This “Carlinville getting sued for FOIA violations” headline is becoming so routine, we are thinking of coming up with some kind of a numbering system just for them.

On August 11, 2017, Mr. Robert Bogue of Paris, Illinois filed suit under the Freedom Of Information Act alleging Carla Brockmeier, Carlinville FOIA Officer’s, failure to perform her mandatory duty to answer two separate requests for public records.

Case number 2017-MR-101


  • Bogue sent Brockmeier two separate FOIA requests on April 15, 2017.
  • Brockmeier and Carlinville never responded to either request for public records.
  • Brockmeier and Carlinville never responded to the Illinois Attorney General’s letter dated May 2, 2017.
  • Brockmeier and Carlinville never responded to the Illinois Attorney General’s SECOND letter dated June 22, 2017.
  • Brockmeier and Carlinville are required under law to answer a FOIA request.
  • Brockmeier and Carlinville are required under law to answer requests from the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor.
  • As of the date of filing, Brockmeier and Carlinville never answered either FOIA request.

We understand there is another lawsuit headed Carlinville’s way for their failure to answer the anonymous FOIA request from last April. I suggest they hurry up and answer that one before the lawsuit gets filed…or they can continue taking bad legal advice and fight an unwinnable fight.

Unfortunately, the citizens and taxpayers of Carlinville will be footing the bills, via billable hours for the city attorney, for Brockmeier’s and the City’s failure to comply with the Freedom Of Information Act.

Other current FOIA lawsuits against the City of Carlinville: HERE & HERE

A file-stamped copy of this suit will be uploaded as soon as we can get a copy.



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1 Comment
  • Danni Smith
    Posted at 22:16h, 04 September

    Citizens of Carlinville-take back your town. If they don’t obey the law, should you? THIS SMACKS OF “STORM THE PALACE” AS YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY THE COSTS OF THIS DELIBERATE ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, IGNORING THE LAW AND THE CITIZENS. Tar and feather images will not cease teasing my imagination.
