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February 22, 2025

Bloomington’s Mayor Renner and Co. circling the wagons and making up excuses –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 2, 2017


After outing Bloomington’s use of public credit to purchase an airline ticket for Bloomington Mayor Tari Renner’s girlfriend to go on vacation in Japan, he came out defiantly swinging, and his supporters started circling the wagons to unsuccessfully defend this purchase.

First, he claimed is was false reporting, demanded a retraction and an apology (article here).

Next, Kiasha Henry, a supposed supporter of his claims to have paid for Margot’s ticket, effectively proving Renner lied about Margot paying for the ticket herself (click here for proof of claim) – then almost immediately, Renner, or an admin on his Facebook page, started deleting comments and blocking posters critical of him. Ms. Henry later admits she did not pay for the ticket for Margot. Renner claims Margot paid for her ticket “months ago” but our FOIA request to the City of Bloomington is still unanswered.

Jeanna Campbell chimes in next with an excuse that somehow when the city paid for the travel for official travelers, all the tickets were purchased in a block package so the representatives from Bloomington could all travel together (view claim). So, Mayor Renner, upon seeing a way to excuse the mess created, agrees with Campbell saying she is exactly correct, tells a poster “Ted” that Ted was lied to because there is no proof (here)…wanting everyone to ignore and forget Margot’s name listed on the “Bills and Payroll” list for payment to the charge card (see page 115, item number 8 on this PDF). Our FOIA request to the City of Bloomington for reimbursement is still unanswered.

Renner continues with the excuse Campbell gave him, and replied to almost everyone who complains with the same statement, that is was a block ticket purchase (see it here), that Margot paid her ticket two months ago, and that an “outsider” is lying and duping the poor, gullible citizens of Bloomington. Did I mention that our FOIA request to the City of Bloomington for reimbursement is still unanswered?

Finally, another poster name “John” who has since been banned and deleted from Renner’s Facebook page for making a true statement, added this question:

Tari Renner, if what you said is true, then why are there only two names listed for airline tickets – Yours and Margot’s – the rest are under a single line-item and purchased 7 days earlier (according to the Bills-Payroll doc from the June 26, 2017)[meeting].

I checked that statement for accuracy, and found it accurate – and completely debunked the fake news put out by Tari Renner in an attempt at excusing the purchase of his girlfriend’s airline ticket using the city credit card (see for yourself on pages 115 and 135) or you can look at this picture of the portions copied and posted into one pic (here).

The bottom line is this: the excuses of “block purchase of tickets” is apparently invalid, and even if it were true, which it is not, in our opinion the act of purchasing Margot’s ticket violates the constitution and the law.

Makes us wonder what lies they will produce today to try and cover their backsides…

Did I mention that our FOIA request to the City of Bloomington for reimbursement is still unanswered?



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  • Jon
    Posted at 12:17h, 02 August

    A federal court just ruled that it a first amendment violation for an elected official to block or ban people in their public social media accounts…

  • Karin
    Posted at 10:01h, 02 August

    Worst mayor in Bloomington history? He did after all sit back and allow attacks on the police. Allowed them to be deemed as monsters in the community. So, if Black Lives Matter and company were demanding transparency and King Tari agreed, where is the transparency in this matter??

  • Dave
    Posted at 09:10h, 02 August

    How does a village idiot get to be mayor?

  • Elizabeth Gruber
    Posted at 07:58h, 02 August

    Lets see ..did I get this right? There was an illegal purchase may on city accounts? How many more are there? Like all those meals with no names attached. Hummmm

  • Regina
    Posted at 07:51h, 02 August

    How about all those so called business lunches with only himself listed on pcard usage. More here than just once I’m sure. How about the Cuba trip? Did his girlfriend enjoy that one also?
