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July 2, 2024

Carla Brockmeier Fails to Answer Yet Another FOIA Request, Will Spend More Tax Money On Attorneys –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 9, 2017


The City of Carlinville’s Freedom Of Information Act Officer and City Clerk, Carla Brockmeier, has failed to comply with the FOIA again, seemingly making it a matter of routine in Carlinville.

A request for public records was sent to her on April 27, 2017.

A response was due back by May 4, 2017 according to established law.

No response was returned.

Maybe it is time for the residents of Carlinville to find another City Clerk? One that can follow simple instructions found in the Freedom Of Information Act?

Obviously this one is not working out very good.

Once again, we ask the residents and taxpayers of Carlinville to tell your city council how much you appreciate them throwing your hard-earned tax money at an attorney instead of simply following the law and providing the requested records.

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  • Jim T.
    Posted at 14:38h, 09 May Reply

    Personally, I’d sue the city and then let the taxpayers see how their hard earned dollars are being spent. What a
    shame city government.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 14:40h, 09 May Reply


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