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March 28, 2025

Kathy Ramsey, former Clark Co. Circuit Clerk, pleads guilty –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 1, 2016


Kathy Ramsey, former Clark County, Illinois Circuit Clerk plead guilty on Wednesday to Class 3 Felony Official Misconduct.

The negotiated plea consisted of “2nd chance probation” – which means that if she follows her probation as instructed, the charge will be dismiss in 2 years, 3-26-2018.

She was sentenced to:

  • Deft is sentenced to Second Chance Probation for 24 months
  • To complete 30 hours of Public Service work.
  • Ordered to pay $372 court costs, $25 monthly probation service fee
  • Restitution to the county of $638.44 (joint and several with S. Shaw).
View the complete record on (here).
Other articles on Ramsey and her daughter who also plead guilty are (here).
This charge is the result of an arrangement Ramsey, and her daughter / former employee, had to increase her hours working in the Circuit Clerk’s office without actually performing any work and without even being in the building.
A courageous whistle-blower caught on to the scheme and reported it, was fired from his job in the Circuit Clerk’s office.
Later, Ramsey’s Bond was canceled by the bonding company, which enabled the County Board to remove her from office for failure to qualify.
The whistle-blower was hired back into the position he left, with back-pay and was made whole.

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  • Brian Morrill
    Posted at 17:23h, 13 April

    The punishment should have been to put her and her daughter in jail and to lose her pension. Elected officials should be held to a higher standard in my opinion. Also it was probably more money than that
    squandered on her daughter, but they just did the minimum amount to make it easy on everybody involved.

  • AP
    Posted at 23:36h, 01 April

    $372 in court costs and restitution of $638.44. . . What is the punishment?

  • Rory Steidl
    Posted at 20:51h, 01 April

    Waiting to see if this “2nd Chance Probation” and potential dismissal in two years will prohibit her from holding any public office, again. I note that “factual basis” was found for conviction and that further “terms and conditions” are being prepared.

  • Dave L.
    Posted at 17:27h, 01 April

    Sure wish this was an April Fools joke!! Unfortunately it is not…another slap on the wrist by our weak justice system….surprised they didn’t re-instate her.

  • Steve T
    Posted at 17:12h, 01 April

    She got treated less severely by the S/A than Chazz Lindsey. Lindsey was charged with a misdemeanor for video recording the kids killing the kittens. He didn’t kill them, just recorded the stupidity. Next up for no punishment, Charity Murphy
