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March 13, 2025

College of DuPage – Trustee Diane McGuire's highly questionable expense claims –

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 26, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd)
Updated to change “Lyle” to “Naperville” in relation to the Chamber of Commerce meeting. 8-29-2015
The self proclaimed “Ambassador” for COD, Dianne McGuire, racked up a small fortune in expenses during her current term in office.  (Previous article here)
After a closer review there appears to be more than enough justification for an investigation into her claims regarding many of these expenses.  Our research points to numerous events of which are not a COD matter yet she charges the tax payers anyway.
For example, on page 138 of the expense documents she claims ACCT expenses for October 8th-13th however the ACCT conference did not start until the 10th.  So how does she explain expenses for two days before the conference?

Or page 125 where she expenses a Chamber Luncheon on 11/19/12.  What really happen at the Chamber on that day?  Or was this actually an expense for the Naperville Democrat Organizational meeting? (Naperville Democrat information sheet)
I think from this list below most would agree it is quite a stretch to claim these social events have anything to do with her being a trustee, other than her desire to socialize on the taxpayer dime.
To top it all off, I am confident, that should we choose to look into the MAC, Community Night, and Foundation events, that she was given complimentary tickets and probably even free food and drink – all in violation of the “shall serve without compensation” clause in the Community College Act.

  • pg 78, COD Community Night, Foundation, COD Board President holiday dinner and holiday retreat, Naperville Chamber
  • pg 85, MAC Madness, Foundation
  • pg 87, MAC Madness
  • pg 115, Foundation
  • pg 125, Chamber lunch, Holiday party, Trustee/President dinner
  • pg 129, community night
  • pg 134, Chamber
  • pg 136, Foundation Meeting, Chamber legislative
  • pg 165, DuPage County Zoning Board
  • pg 169, Judge’s night, Chamber, Chamber, Lombard Night
  • pg 173, State of the City (Naperville)
  • pg 177, Chamber Legislative Committee, Benedictine Univ, Inservice Presentation
  • pg 183, 9-17-2012, Foundation Golf
  • pg 231, ICCTA Lobby Day, Nap 203 Foundation, Classic Cuisine HCC
  • pg 223, DuPage Co Zoning Board

Yes, we think trustee McGuire has a lot of explaining to do as it is clear her expense report is her own admission of charging the taxpayers for things that have nothing to do with COD trustee business.
[documentcloud url=”” container=”#DV-viewer-2259064-mcguire-expenses-2011-2015-redacted-final”]


COD Trustee Diane McGuire


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  • David Keats
    Posted at 11:12h, 26 August

    Given the fact that McGuire serves on a number of committees for ACCT, could it be that there were meetings prior to the start of the conference? Try focusing on the truth and what matters and not serve as the attack dog for Hamilton.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:52h, 26 August

      Please pull you head out of the sane.
