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February 6, 2025

College of DuPage – Breuder deceptions exposed?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 1, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd)-

As the main stream media, both TV and print, are finally hammering away on the actions of the COD Board and the historic pay off for a person who notified the board he was retiring, what else is going on with Breuder. (Click here for the retirement notification.)

As the most recent special meeting has proven, employment contracts and benefits must be acted on in public and there must be a recital with enough information to inform the public of the action to be taken.

So what do you call it when Breuder claims the board approved something, and gives people a nice pay raise, while in reality the board had no knowledge of the wages Breduer is dishing out for his cronies?  Wages that are to be set by the Board, not him!   Most would call it fraud or deception.  Regardless of the name you want to label the action with, it is wrong!

First, look at the Foundation Administrator Appointment documents. (CLICK HERE).   They are signed by Breuder with a claim that the board approved the appointments AND pay spikes during a February 2014 meeting.  In order for this type of appointment and pay to be done legally it MUST be on the Agenda and they MUST recite into the record with sufficient information so that the public is informed.

The Agenda item 9b6 referenced action to ratify appointments but mentions nothing about the details to that ratification, nor does it list what employees it effects, thus the public is not informed! (CLICK HERE for the agenda)

The minutes reflect the board approved a consent agenda. (CLICK HERE for minutes)

Now look at the board packet file (CLICK HERE for Board Packet)   NO WHERE in the board packet will you find any reference to the Board agreeing to specific pay raises as Breuder claims in his May 22, 2014 letters to those people.

How could the board consent to employment extensions and pay raises for administration people when the details were kept from them? I spoke with Kathy Hamilton, showed her the appointment letters, and she does not recall ever seeing them.

This is the same thing Breuder was doing with his contract. We have PROVEN it was NEVER on the agenda and voted on properly from day one! This is his pattern!

Breuder claims in his letters to these people that the board approved their appointment and salary spikes yet that is not found in ANY record as ever being shared with the board. The ONLY reference found is the names listed on page 94 of the Board Packet and that list of names is VOID of any reference to approving any compensation, which is required both under the Open Meetings Act but also COD Board policy.

COD Board policy 15-255 (page 175 of the board policy attached).   Compensation for current administrative staff will be set annually by the Board of Trustees and will be based on performance, comparative market data, and recommendations submitted by the College President.  I have not been able to locate ANY recommendations by Breuder to the board and it is clear the only reference to the three Foundation Administration appointments are their names in the board packet, void of any pay information.

It would appear Breuder signed his name to those documents claiming the Board approved the outlined employment and pay while in reality no such thing ever happen.  The board approved an appointment but at no time in the record was any compensation disclosed!

Not any different than Breuder’s initial employment appointment that had NOTHING on the agenda about ANY employment agreement. (Click here for that agenda)

Even more interesting on this subject is the May 22nd payroll and treasures report to the board.  Why would Breuder NOT sign that document this time?  (Click here for Payroll and Treasure report page presented to the board)

So once again the records prove employment and pay raises going to Administrative personal with no record of the details being provided to the public or the board.

This by itself should be enough to terminate him for cause!

Mr. Kraft pointed this out during public comment at the January 28, 2015 Special meeting (we are working on a better copy):

Or you can see it on the COD website at about the 19:38 mark in the video (click here).


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1 Comment
  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 22:39h, 01 February

    Nice! Normally I would post a long comment again about all this. But I will save that for the story you will publishing soon on the resignation or hopefully I pray his arrest along with all those responsible for these CRIMES. Finish the job you started here. Please. Thank you.
