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October 19, 2024

Vermilion County wind farm area property value TANKS by twenty one percent –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 21, 2015


A couple weeks ago we wrote an article on a property that lost 56 percent of its value, and we claimed it was due to its proximity to a wind turbine farm (here).

At least one person took exception to that statement, and even drew the Vermilion County Supervisor of Assessments in to the argument. He even detailed how we were supposedly wrong in our article, but was unable to back up his claims.

Now we are at a point where we can show evidence that this same Supervisor of Assessments conducted two Real Estate Appraisals on a piece of property within the wind farm area around Fithian, Illinois, in Vermilion County.

Guess what happened with that appraisal?

That’s right, the real estate lost 21 percent of its value in a little over two years. One appraisal was done in 2009 prior to the wind farm, and another, by the same appraiser, in 2011. Both appraisals were completed by Matthew Long, who is now the Vermilion County Supervisor of Assessments.

 BEFORE @ $120,000

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AFTER @ $95,000

[gview file=””]


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  • Critical Thinker
    Posted at 12:41h, 28 January

    Here you go -Wind Farms and Health: it’s not Black or White.

    Would you people complaining about wind farms prefer the pollution of fracking? Would you fight as hard against coal plants? Or nuclear located in your back yard? I have to ask – who funds you? Do you have ties to the Koch brothers?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:19h, 29 January

      You bring up some good questions at the end, so I must ask you: Which wind company do you work for? Who is paying you to post links to pro wind sources?

      The “About us” page on the website you linked to makes me wonder about who paid them to write the article…

      About Us was started in 1998 by a group of Renewable Energy professionals who wanted their work to relate to their passion for renewable energy.

  • Ted Hartke
    Posted at 21:45h, 22 January

    TESTIMONY DURING PUBLIC COMMENTS DATED JAN 2014 VERMILION COUNTY BOARD MEETING: Kim Hufford lives in the middle of the Invenergy wind complex in Vermilion County and is the next to speak. She bought her dream home in 2003 and spent 2 years doing improvements including new plumbing and electrical and moved in in 2005. She has a 16 year old child that cannot sleep at night due to wind turbine noise and it is affecting her school work. She has a 16 month old son that can’t sleep and keeps Kim awake at night. Kim works in health care and the loss of sleep to herself and her 16 month old is affecting her ability to do critical work at her job. In 2009 she had her house appraised as part of a divorce procedure and again in 2011. The appraiser told her that he would take into consideration the fact that she lives in an industrial wind complex with all of the negative issues that are known to this industry. According to Kim, her property value dropped by $25,000 dollars. (Note: Some studies show that homes cannot be sold for anything when located near industrial wind turbines!) Kim is also dejected that she has lost the value of living in the country due to the industrial wind turbines, she has lost her view during the day and has bright red lights at night.

  • Critical Thinker
    Posted at 13:27h, 22 January

    Seriously? This proves nothing! Property values all over declined between 2009 and 2011 (and beyond) This graph demonstrates values in the Chicago metro area. Certainly values in a rural area were affected as well, by the economy, not any wind farm.

    • caseih 2388
      Posted at 19:20h, 22 January

      Mr. “Critical Thinker”, if you lived within a wind farm you would realize anyone with any knowledge of the conditions therein would not give much for a home in that area or within 5 miles. One’s health is slowly destroyed when he is sleep deprived because of the constant ultra low frequency noise emitted from the turbines when they are running. Likewise, when the wind doesn’t blow there is no problem. Sleep comes easy then. But then, there is no convincing some folks who refuse to believe what the victims experience.
