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October 19, 2024

Help Fight Against Library Director’s Use of Police to Silence Critics –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 3, 2014


If you have been following the Orland Park Public Library (previous articles here) child porn scandal, you would know that the Library Board has engaged in a pattern and practice of using the police as a weapon against the board’s critics, Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan. Since October of 2013, the Board has made NINE  false complaints to the police in an effort to scare away their critics. The underlying issue here is that in October, Fox and DuJan discovered that child porn was accessed in the Library in the past on Library computers and to this day nothing was ever done to stop it and police were not called.

The Board has been aggressively violating the Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act month after month , even going so far as to hold a secret meeting illegally (AG determination here) to push the vote through to keep the computers unfiltered and completely unprotected.

The latest escalation in the Board’s “Crisis Management Strategy” happened on May 19th, 2014. Video has been obtained that establishes that the Board, it’s attorney James Fessler, along with Library spokesman Bridget Bittman and police planned ahead of time to cause an arrest to happen to DuJan or Fox (click here). The goal was to find a reason to sign a police complaint and bring charges against at least one of them. Sure enough, an opportunity presented itself when the Board started violating the Open Meetings Act again by refusing to allow the public in attendance to hear what was being said. When Fox pointed it out, they called the police and claimed a disturbance had occurred. The Library spokesman signed a complaint to charge DuJan with “disorderly conduct” even though he was not involved in the interruption of the meeting.

We believe they did this because arresting Fox would be bad press for the library as she is 7 months pregnant. However, even though there is video proof that DuJan is innocent of these charges, he must hire an attorney, pay a retainer and go before a judge and plead his case.

The Library has unlimited funds to persecute its critics and have spent over $100,000 in legal fees since October with no intention of stopping until they get rid of Fox and DuJan for good. Neither of these whistle-blowers have anywhere near unlimited funds and need your help to raise the money to pay the attorney all the costs involved. Please do not let a corrupt public board use the police and justice systems as a weapon against activists trying to protect children by closing down a point of access to child porn. Do not allow intimidation tactics to win this fight.

This matters to you because if you allow this to happen to private citizens who speak out against their local library board in your own neighborhood, there is no end in sight to the government abuse of your freedoms.

Please donate today at the following link: to donate by credit card or PayPal

or to send a check please send to:

Megan Fox

PO Box 2373

Orland Park, IL 60462

No amount is too small to make a big difference. The goal is to raise $1200 to cover the legal expenses not only to defend this charge but to have the false charge expunged and to file suit against the people responsible for making this false complaint and ensure that these practices stop against private citizens exercising their first amendment rights.


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  • Maxine Rogards
    Posted at 07:50h, 05 July

    Once the matter is before a judge and it is dismissed…hopefully a lawsuit for false arrest will come next and the big money can begin to flow to the whistleblowers. Anyone who stands up to protect child pornography needs to be in prison for abuse of children. (That includes the library marms, their protective board members and others). I wonder who at that library or on its board is into child porn? That might be the motive for a coverup. Perhaps this matter needs to be referred to the state police special task force on child porn.

    • Mitch
      Posted at 17:22h, 05 July

      No one was arrested.

  • Mitch
    Posted at 07:46h, 04 July

    Who says they are false? A court will determine that

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:17h, 04 July

      The videos.

  • SafeLibraries
    Posted at 20:25h, 03 July

    “the Board has made NINE false complaints to the police”

    At least one of those nine included the board’s attorney calling the police to file a false report. I am an attorney. We don’t manufacture evidence. His calling the police was manufacturing evidence. At a minimum, it is a violation of his attorney ethical codes.
