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October 23, 2024

James Fessler, Bridget Bitmann, & Police Chief scheme to arrest innocent citizens at Public Library –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 30, 2014

This is so bizarre, it was hard to come up with a name for the article:
Bridget Bitmann, Orland Park Library, Calls 911 and Lies To Police –
Klein, Thorpe, & Jenkins Law Firm colludes with Orland Park Police Chief and the Orland Park Library Board to arrange the arrest of citizens that simply show up to a public meeting –
In what is the eighth time that the OPPL or one of their cronies has called the police and filed false police reports, Bridgett Bitmann calls 911 during a public meeting and lies to the 911 operator.

So here is the set-up:

1. Three trustees of the OPPL-BoT hold an illegal meeting-before-the-meeting (HERE)
2.  During this illegal meeting they develop a plan to create a disturbance and blame it on a pregnant mom and a gay guy
3.  Repeat: The three board members plan out a way to arrest citizens for attending their upcoming meeting
4.  Klein, Thorpe, and Jenkins is present at the regular meeting
5.  This plan backfires since half the board refuses to vote to recess
6.  Bitmann frantically calls 911
7.  Bitmann goes thru a door, the door slams shut pulling the chord out of the phone, and Bitmann tells the police that the attending citizens disconnected her phone call to 911
8. Bitmann to the 911 operator:
— Bitmann: “We have a disruption in our meeting

Police Chief and Bitmann appear to have “PRE-ARRANGED” this event!

–Bitmann: “Police Chief McCarthy has arranged to have someone come because we have someone disrupti..disorderly conduct“.

911 Operator has apparently been briefed on this pre-arranged meeting disruption

-911 Operator: “right…ok…what, where is she at
–Bitmann: “room 104, there two…two or three of them
–911 Operator: “male or female”
–Bitmann: “two males and one female”
–911 Operator: “OK, and are they in there arguing or are they…”
–Bitmann: “yes…disorderly conduct”
–911 Operator: “are you still there?”

Bitmann Lies Again

–Bitmann: “the people that were disrupting actually hung up the phone when I was trying to call, I just wanted to make you aware of that”

What do you think?
Should Bridget Bitmann be charged with another false police report and calling 911 when she knows no crime has been committed (especially when she knows this was all set up prior to the meetings)?
Should the attorney, James Fessler from Klein, Thorpe, & Jenkins Law Firm,  be charged with “Party to a crime”, be reported to the Illinois State Bar and be reported to the Illinois Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Committee?
I am thinking the answer to both questions is YES!


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