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October 22, 2024

Confirmed – Mike Helstley lied about OMA training!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On June 12, 2014

Edgar CO. (ECWd) –
Mike Helstley was elected to office as a County Board member in November of 2012.
State law requires that he comply with the Open Meetings Act training and provide proof of that compliance to the County Clerk.  (Click here for State Statute pertaining to training requirements)
For over a year we have attempted to get a copy of Mr. Helstley’s proof of training as he continued to claim he had taken the training yet never would provide any proof of it.  (Click Here for past article on this very point)
After the May 14th, 2014 statement of fact by Mike Helstley,  I filed yet again, a FOIA for proof of his compliance with the OMA statute.  So there is no confusion please watch the clip from the County Board meeting on May 14th, 2014 and see for yourself that Mr. Helstley did in fact claim he complied with the training.


That was May 14th of 2014!  Sadly for Mr. Helstley, the facts from the Attorney General’s Public Access office, which maintains the records of compliance, proves yet again that Mr. Helstley’s statement is not true, which means he lied once again. (Click here for a copy of the FOIA Request)

The fact is Mr. Helstley did not complete his training until May 30th, 2014 at 11:11 am, which is 1 1/2 years after his election and 15 months beyond the statutory requirement and yet he still insisted he complied when in fact he had not! (Click here for copy of training compliance and not the yellow highlited section!)

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So yet again the paper trail proves Mr. Helstley’s word can not be trusted!

Mr. Helstley, please resign as you clearly have represented that your word cant be trusted and your entire purpose of getting into office was to push your personal agenda, which clearly is not to represent the peoples interests.

For a laundry list of lies and failures of Mr. Helstley Click Here


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  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 18:04h, 13 June

    The OMA training is a ONE TIME requirement for each elected official. I spoke with Mr. Bruner and he has NO CLUE why Mike Helstley used his address.

  • Sick of it all....
    Posted at 14:52h, 13 June

    Oh jeesh……it just gets better and better. I do have another question. Did I read correctly that this is training that must be done annually? Do each of the board members have to take this training every year, and if so, are they all up to date on it? And are you going to look into the address situation on Mr. Heltsley’s training certificate? I personally have to be licensed for my profession, and I know if I had someone else take my training I’d lose my license…… which in turn means I’d lose my job.

  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 11:15h, 13 June

    When a person logs on to take the required training it asks for the personal information to include the address. I have no clue why Dan Bruners address would be on that document unless Mr. Bruner did the training “for” Helstley. He may have done it just to put the matter to bed but it appears to have now created even more questions that deserve answers.

  • Sick of it all....
    Posted at 09:03h, 13 June

    According to reverse address lookup it’s Dan Bruner. Why is his proof of training sent to Mr. Bruner? I thought it had to go to Augie Griffin’s office?

  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 22:15h, 12 June

    So now the question is who lives at 624 East Court Street?

  • Sick of it all....
    Posted at 14:27h, 12 June

    Just wondered about the address on his training certificate….. The Edgar County Board is now located in the 600 block of Court St?
