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March 28, 2025

Harrassment? NO! – Fiduciary Duty? YES! –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 29, 2014

Wow, it looks like some people knew this was coming. We wrote a short piece on this subject about Edgar County Board Member Mike Heltsley basically trying to give as much taxpayer money to Burgin and Hopper as he could, just to spite the Sheriff. Heltsley has no intention of looking out for the taxpayer and the funds obtained from them. To him it’s all about screwing the Sheriff over. Mike, you have a fiduciary duty to the public – not just the ones that allow you to screw other people over prior to an election. Read that article HERE.
Then there was the “former Edgar County Assistant State’s Attorney”, Matthew Hoppock’s letter to the editor of the Paris Beacon News that seemed to come out of nowhere. In that letter, he stated the Sheriff wasn’t wanting to “make things right“. We wrote about that one also, read it HERE.
In early March of this year we wrote an article about the fictitious $300 per day argument that certain candidate(s) were throwing around prior to the election in an effort to fool the taxpayers. Read it HERE.
Now we have a tipster from Southern Illinois that sent us these screenshots off of facebook. It appears that the Sheriff’s attorney has written a letter to Hopper’s attorney in the first step at reaching an agreement equitable to the individuals and the taxpayers.
I have to commend the Sheriff and his attorney for keeping the  taxpayers, the ones ultimately responsible for paying the bills, from paying more than they are required by law to pay. There are rules that need to be followed, such as wage set-off and a responsibility of the employee to attempt to mitigate damages from the start.
To Mr. Hopper I would say: You are owed what the law, attorneys, and arbitrator can work out on your behalf. Quit trying to screw the taxpayers. I have no problem with you getting paid as long as it is within the law, which I believe includes a wage set-off. It is not “harassment” as you try to make it appear, and nobody is trying to “cover-up” anything. The Court ruled, no cover-up needed, it’s public record.
These are three separate pictures – click to enlarge them…


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  • Get Off Your High Horse
    Posted at 22:20h, 29 May

    So, Roger wants what is due to him huh? Well, what’s fair is fair, so don’t forget to subtract the cost of the time and the paperwork involved in getting things straightened out with the seized trailer he kept in his personal garage, the costs associated with auditing the drug and other evidence debacles that were left behind, etc. etc. etc.

    • Give me a break
      Posted at 09:09h, 30 May

      Roger resigned? I hope they have it in writing and have it locked away somewhere. Harassed, Roger needs to tell this to the 197 relatives who voted for him or the ones he has arrested! The fact is Roger, has always gotten his way and he can’t stand it. The fact is he knows if Motley loses the election he doesn’t stand a chance of getting hired by Wood. He will file a civil lawsuit for personal damages but in the long run the taxpayers will benefit. Hopper deserves what is due him and not a penny more!
      If Mike Heltsley, was smart he would never speak but I’ve never know him to be very smart.
