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October 22, 2024

Yes, Matthew Hoppock, Hopper Should Get What He Deserves –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 17, 2014

It appears a former Assistant State’s Attorney for Edgar County has decided to attempt to influence the ongoing negotiations between Roger Hopper and the Edgar County Sheriff.
First, he tries to play on the good examples of, and effectiveness of, two other public officials and compares Hopper to them. What he fails to consider is the reason Hopper was dismissed from the City of Paris Police Department (no one will go on record about that yet) and the myriad of other things in his recent past.
Some of these include:
-Illegally purchasing an impounded vehicle, and for less money than the County paid to tow it and fix it.
-Instrumental in the attempted coverup of and trying to get the now convicted jailers, felon Jason Ball and felon Kent Rhoads, to “resign with dignity” instead of aggressively denouncing their illegal behavior with inmates and bringing contraband into the jail for the inmates in exchange for sex.
Telling a reporter he graduated from Paris High School when he was instead a drop-out.
Lies about “no drug arrest” being made in his attempt at winning an election
Aside from that, an arbitrator decided and a Judge refused to overturn the arbitrator, that Hopper should get his job back. Here is where it gets interesting. Matthew Hoppock decides to ignore the legal mechanisms that he himself has worked with as an attorney and attack the Sheriff for using this same process to save the taxpayers of the county some money. The law allows for a set-off and the Sheriff’s attorney is ensuring the set-off is applied, and that all parties get what they are LAWFULLY entitled to. How is that not “making things right”?
I would encourage the citizens of Edgar County to call the Sheriff and tell him “Thank You” for keeping the best interest of the taxpayers in mind when going about the process of determining what will be paid to Hopper.
What made you think “the sheriff is not willing to make things right”? The judge ordered it, it is being negotiated.
Matthew Hoppock let the attorneys work it out – that’s what they get paid to do.


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  • eric pratt
    Posted at 15:07h, 17 May

    The part about lying about his high school transcript is puzzling. Everywhere I’ve ever worked lying on a job application is grounds for immediate dismissal. What is puzzling is how this behavior is overlooked with regard to a police officer. Yes, Roger does know a lot about what goes on around here which is a big plus for an investigator, but honesty is important. Taking responsibility for accepting the need for an ethical approach to any job is a measure of character. This is essential when public trust is involved. Motley should be thanked for his efforts and those who oppose him either do not understand or just don’t get it. Once trust is betrayed it is never recovered. There are many around here who will not work with city or county government because they believe it to be crooked. It is our government and we are responsible for how it works. It is no joke or exaggeration to suggest this sort of thing can lead to criminal behavior. The mind-set for some becomes “If the police don’t have to be honest, or made responsible for their actions why should the rest of us?”

    • Kris
      Posted at 09:21h, 19 May

      Mathew Hoppock, came into Edgar County like a whirlwind and left Edgar County like a whirlwind. Sadly he wasn’t here long enough to know the real Roger Hopper. I am sure he doesn’t know about Hopper’s padding of his paycheck as Sheriff Crippes put it when he gave
      him a huge increase.
      Mathew for his short time in Edgar County did leave some marks on the wall. The time he went to trial against Att. Ron Tulin for the first time. Mathew hearing of Ron’s reputation Hoppock walked into the court room took his suit jacket off while looking at Ron, threw it down and said ok lets go! Better yet when he went outside of the courtroom while court was going on and started bad mouthing the setting Judge. Unfortunately for Hoppock the Judge heard him and ordered him back into the courtroom. Hoppock was advised by the Judge he wouldn’t hear anymore cases that he was involved in. Later Hoppock went and apologized for his insulting remarks. Mathew slow down and do yourself a favor, rethink your position.
      In the watchdog’s statement that Hopper was let go at Paris Police Dept. Hopper was a detective and was taken out of the detective division and put back out on patrol to control his overtime hours.
