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March 28, 2025

Roger Hopper – High School Graduate ?! –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 14, 2014

In the March 13th Beacon News, the article on Roger Hopper (Democrat) seeking Sheriff’s Office, he informed the reporter that he “graduated from Paris High School in 1977“.
I have been trying to stay out of the local Sheriff’s race and let people make up their own minds, but I cannot sit silently by when false statements are put out there as truth.
That is not a true statement, what the truth is, is that he dropped out of school after his sophomore year and later obtained a GED (Page 3 of this document).
I would be more inclined to believe what was written on a job application over what was said during an interview, so my belief is that he did not graduate from PHS at any time.

 What Else Is Out There?

On his campaign website page “Why I am running for Sheriff” he complains about not seeing certain crimes reported in the paper since the current Sheriff took office. Trying to make people think it was the Sheriff’s fault and not the fault of the paper. This article details which crimes people were arrested for, by month (Click Here).

He also claims “no drug arrests” are being made by the Sheriff’s Department – another lie – see the article linked (Click Here).

Bottom of page 3 for education level:
[gview file=””]
HopperEdLevel (WinCE)


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  • Johnny Law
    Posted at 21:32h, 16 March

    Again, all you need to know about Roger is his use of the “Quadro Tracker” drug and gun detector he used back in the day. And another thing, does he want to work for DOC or be Sheriff? To which is he committed, or is he fully committed and invested in neither? Sounds like he’s trying to hedge his bet. NEXT !

  • franklin
    Posted at 19:47h, 14 March

    have been trying to stay out of the local Sheriff’s race and let people make up their own minds
    john you too are a liar
    why else is motleys picture on previous article about meet the candidate for sherrif

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 19:51h, 14 March

      Believe me when I say that there is PLENTY to write about if I so choose, and anyone that wanted to could search our site for some of their names in previous articles written before anyone decided to run for the office.
      The picture on the previous meet the candidate article is simply taken from the webpage header of the Edgar County Sheriff’s Department – since that is what they are all trying to get to.

      • franklin
        Posted at 20:06h, 14 March

        webpage header of the Edgar County Sheriff’s Department with permission to use right

        • jmkraft
          Posted at 20:11h, 14 March

          Don’t need permission to use logos of public bodies – never had.
          That’s why you see them all over this site and many others.

      • franklin
        Posted at 20:20h, 14 March

        just looked at sherrifs web doesnt look likre same header ?

        • jmkraft
          Posted at 21:34h, 14 March

          It appears I have to agree with you at this time, but I know where I got the pic and now I can’t find it.
          Give me a minute and I will change it out.

        • jmkraft
          Posted at 21:43h, 14 March

          It is at the “Offender Watch” link on the Sheriff’s Department webpage. But I changed it anyway.

  • jmkraft
    Posted at 15:57h, 14 March

    -I think a few people, from looking at various facebook posts, are missing the point of the article.
    -The only issue I really had a concern with was that he lied about being a high school graduate.
    -There is nothing wrong with getting a GED – there is something wrong with lying about it.

  • Donna
    Posted at 13:41h, 14 March

    This was the ongoing and disturbing issue with the Crippes administration….the lack of honesty in even small matters. Its not a terrible thing to have dropped out of high school. Lots of people, often due to circumstances beyond their control, had to drop out. Fortunately, the GED program exists to present a second opportunity to “finish” high school. However, if one cannot be trustworthy in small matters of truth, how can one, possibly, be trustworthy in larger matters. Roger Hopper was an integral part of the Crippes administration which proved untrustworthy in matters great and small.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 13:44h, 14 March

      I don’t have a “like” button, so I’ll just type it out: “Like”.

  • Jami Taylor
    Posted at 11:17h, 14 March

    Do you even know Roger? This guy and I went to High School together and I have a year book picture for his junior year with his picture in it! As for his senior year maybe he dropped out but I don’t think that he thought that he didn’t graduate with us… He has attended our reunions and we all know that he got his diploma! This Guy has always been a decent and caring person and has always been involved in the community! What about you jmkraft!!! If I lived back in my home town of Paris Illinois, I would vote for Roger and most people that truly know him would too!

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:36h, 14 March

      -I have to ask this: “DID YOU EVEN LOOK AT PAGE 3 OF THE PDF”?
      -That is his application for a job at the Illinois Department of Corrections. In his own handwriting, he checked “NO” for High School Graduate question – put an “x” in the #2 box for number of years completed – AND put an “x” in the YES box for the GED question.
      -That tells me he dropped out of school AFTER his sophomore year like I reported and before completion of his junior year, and later got a GED (like I reported).
      -He might have attended your class reunions but he most certainly DID NOT get his diploma!

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:38h, 14 March

      One more thing…how can you not know you didn’t graduate if you later got a GED?

    • MLMarshall
      Posted at 12:11h, 14 March

      Jami, Maybe you should deal with the wonderful person. Mr Hopper is an ASS. When he was a deputy, he thought he as a God. Above the law. Illegial searches, planted evidence, violation of civil rights. As for being a decent and caring person, only to someone who can make Mr Hopper look good. If the citizens of Edger Co vote him in, they are asking for a return to crooked sheriffs dept.

    • Gabby Dayton
      Posted at 15:44h, 14 March

      problem is, Jami, he’s running for a real office with real consequences…not a high school popularity contest. Lots of sicko political types like the power and know how to fool people into giving it to them. In fact, if they are not telling the truth now…how much worse when they have the power to cover it up. GED is not a bad thing….but it appears he wants to hide that in his responses to the paper. Do you think he’ll give honest answers to FOIAs when they appear at his office with this history? I don’t think so. Jami…its not high school anymore..its real life. Not popularity..nice guy stuff anymore…its about integrity and truth. Unfortunately…your kind of thinking here is why we have a vast government web of corruption. Start thinking…stop drinking the koolaid….and figure it out

      • Jami Taylor
        Posted at 10:48h, 15 March

        I am trying to determine if Roger Hopper
        has a criminal record and the accusations you are spewing are true! As for the serious nature of becoming a sherriff in Paris Illinois? I assure you that I am serious, the koolaid remark is stupid and I will consider the source… What is the nature of your slant on bashing previous officers and is there proof to substantiate these negative remarks?

        • Gabby Dayton
          Posted at 12:20h, 15 March

          As long as you think its okay to say “what ever” and then change it when it suits you, you have still been drinking the koolaid. I am also “considering the source” when you spew blind adoration without using logic. Hint: throwing out questions is not logic…its just questions.
          The popularity contests have to stop at high school where reality starts…and that means you can’t keep accepting fudging, slips of the tongue, whole cloth lies, falsehoods, mistakes, or what ever you want to characterize the elected officials lack of honesty. Hiding stuff is dishonest. Nothing wrong with GEDs but don’t say you have finished high school when you didn’t.
