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October 23, 2024

FIPHD – Julie Clark – Incompetence, or disregard for the rules?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 24, 2013


Incompetence or disregard for the rules?  That is the question one must ask as it relates to Julie Clark and her inability to do her job.

I don’t know if it’s genetic, or something in the water, but the pattern of wrong doing seems to run in the family for Julie Clark.   She is the sister to Deanna Lustfeldt who was convicted of embezzlement from the Watseka Bank in the US District Court in Urbana (previous coverage).  Deanna’s defense attorney, Lawrence Beaumont, a former federal prosecutor, argued that mental disorders caused her to commit her crime.   She currently works at the Iroquois Mental Health Center! (Gazette article here).

Is it possible the Julie Clark might have the same disorder that her sister’s attorney pointed to for his client?

Is it safe to assume if it’s not a mental disconnect, it’s either pure incompetence or total disregard for the rules?

Julie Clark is the high paid high school graduate that gets to work from home 225 miles away and draws a hefty salary as the claimed Tobacco Coordinator (TC).  In her capacity as TC, she wrote a whopping 12 citations in 2012 for smoking violations and each and every one was done in direct violation of the policy manual for that program!

To all the businesses that received citations from the FIPHD TC, Julie Clark, may I suggest you start raising some hell because those citations were in direct conflict with the FIPHD Policy Manual as it relates to that program!  Don’t take my word for it.  Read it yourself right here!

So what do you do when faced with people that don’t read and comply with their own policies or simply disregard any rule of law or policy?


She was required to investigate each complaint, yet Grant Documents (page 2 item 5) received from the state reflect where she didn’t do ANYTHING after a complaint.  Yet another example of not following the policy established by her employer.

Lets not forget this is the same woman who brought in outside members of a health association to a recent Health Board meeting in clear blind-sided attempt at attacking the States Attorney for not prosecuting people for vi0lating the smoking ban.  She had no problem attacking Mr. Devine yet she cant even follow the very policy set by the board.

Even worse is the incompetence by the state for allowing our tax dollars to be given away for a program where the rules are not being complied with and complaints not being followed up on.  The state should have never allowed further funding if Julie Clark was not going to do her job.

And to top it off, it’s clear, with all the evidence in hand, we have established fraud by certain personnel as it relates to the FIPHD.  At some point someone needs to be prosecuted!

Our tax dollars are being thrown to the wind with numerous programs and the fraud is so prevalent it appears no one cares.  Let it be known I care, and fully intend to expose each and every case of fraud to the public!

It’s our money!


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