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October 22, 2024

VIDEO: Edgar County Board Meeting, May 9, 2012

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 10, 2012


The Edgar County Board held their monthly meeting where the following occurred – you can watch the video below: 

Approval of April 11, 2012 meeting minutes.

Approved claims against the county:

Jeff Voight verified that when the Sheriff budget is approved, the Sheriff can spend the money as he sees fit.

Carl Farnham questioned the attorney bill submitted by the Sheriff – this bill is from the Sheriff and for the attorney her hired dealing with the grievance with former employees.

Approved board member claims against the county.

Public session – “We report what others won’t”:

            A citizen voiced her opinion on the cleanliness of the courthouse and how she feels it is a disgrace and an embarrassment when visitors enter the building and see the floor and restrooms. There was a lively conversation between most of the board members and the citizen involved.

           Kirk Allen commented on inappropriate spending in the ETSB (911) with using the 911 fund to pay for items clearly not related to the operation of the 911 system. Item in question is the payment of a $1500 per year stipend to the 911 Coordinator for OMA/FOIA officer duties. While it is OK to pay the stipend, it is not OK to pay it out of 911 funds. He also brought up the fact that previous Sheriff’s were illegally selling guns and current and former Deputies had illegally bought those guns from the Sheriff Department, including 1 with the serial number scratched off (violation of federal law)  and 8 without serial numbers.

Supervisor of Assessments gave her annual report.

The fee for Multi-township assessments performed by the county was approved at $25 per hour. This was approved last month, but I questioned the fact it was not on the agenda in clear enough language where the general public would know it would be voted on. It was on this month’s agenda and approved.

Approved the salaries for Circuit Clerk and Coroner. This was also approved last month, but I questioned the fact it was not on the agenda in clear enough language where the general public would know it would be voted on. It was on this month’s agenda and approved.

Pluto John Acres subdivision motion passed with approval from the County Highway Department.

Jim Griffin was reappointed to the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District, with his term to expire May 9, 2017.

Joe Good was reappointed as Jury Commissioner for a 3 year term expiring April 15, 2015.

Nicholas Barrett reappointed as Trustee of Metcalf Fire Protection District, oath and bond approved.

Approved increase in mileage reimbursement for County Employees using their private vehicles on county business. The rate was set at 20 cents below current CMS rate (currently 55 cents). The current county rate is now 35 cents per mile, until the CMS rate changes.

County highway resolutions passed.

State’s Attorney stated he should have a report next month on the Ambulance sale/purchase, and on the possible conflict of interest/incompatibility of offices with the Sheriff and Deputy also sitting on the ETSB (911) board.

Committee reports

            Clerk asked if the board could renew the license for Castlefin Winery even though it was not on the agenda, the State’s Attorney stated it would have to be voted on at another meeting where it is on the meeting agenda.

Right to Revert

           Kirk Allen informed the board that Kansas land owners had received letters telling them there would not be a wind farm in Kansas.  Three key reasons reported was no more tax credits, minimum winds, and the Indiana Bat, a protected species is prevalent in the area. 

            A citizen questioned the fact that the clock tower has not been lit a night – board said they would check into it.

Meeting adjourned.


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