...was hired by Robert Breuder. My question to John Lampinen of the Daily Herald: Will you tell your readers what your relationship with Robert Breuder is? Is it true you...
...will unfairly damage the college’s academic reputation. He called for the resignation of senior administrators and trustees who served during the years Breuder was president. That is when the majority...
...mark on our College. This certainly applies to the 3 Breuder Trustees, who never said no to him and to this moment support him, and any administrator who can’t find...
...stand-still. We suspect there will be further attempts at minimizing the damage that has occurred in the past several years thru Breuder’s “leadership” and a board with rubber stamps. We...
...of drama she is. Since your visit in July, former President Breuder has been fired and has now sued the college and four of the trustees individually and in their...
...Breuder being hired. Shortly after that contract award, another agreement was entered into with KMA that also went through an RFP process in 2009. This company went through an RFP...
...laughable at best. The Illinois Board of Higher Education’s former director reminds us of the situation with COD and Robert Breuder. Between January and August, 2012, the Office of Executive...
...Herald and they obliged in reporting her cries to the Attorney General regarding Breuder’s law suit against the Board and COD. According to their reporting she is “asking whether the...
...that they could not FOIA specific police records – similar to former COD President Dr. Breuder’s failed attempt at the College of DuPage when they blocked emails, then claimed FOIAs...
...the agreement is the fact it is dated just 6 months after Breuder shows up at COD. This agreement is between the Board of Trustees and the Foundation however we...