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March 16, 2025

IL State Police Settle Wrongfull Conviction Suit

From the After the DuPage Forest Preserve District forced out two employees suspected of misusing taxpayer funds and resources, the district announced Wednesday it has hired two consulting firms at a cost of $66,000 to assist with the matter. The announcement comes two days after the...

Illinois Constitution The very Constitution our States Attorney took an oath to uphold! If you missed that here it is:   Will Accountability ever happen in Edgar County?   Article VIII Finance Section 1. General Provisions (a) Public funds, property or credit shall be used only for public purposes. (b)  The State, units of...

So at what point do we shift from an ethics related statute to a  “Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act”?      Sec. 3. Prohibited interest in contracts.     (a) No person holding any office, either by election or appointment under the laws or Constitution of this State, may be in any...

  Let’s talk about mandatory reporting……and a recently famous case of keeping it “in-house”. Here are some key points that people may not be aware of:   Report shall be made immediately to the Department (DCFS). Reporter may also notify the person in charge of the institution or school. 1-800-25-AB--...
