...more than 14 years, and covers most of Southern Illinois, including most of the 110th District. Neither of those publication are affiliated in any way with ECWd, and most importantly,...
...way? We suspect a much more negative outlook to hit once additional information is made public to include misrepresentation on bonds sold, conflicts of interest, and illegal easements being issued...
...those documents to us. We have no way to verify the truthfulness of his statement until we receive the answer to another FOIA sent to La Salle police department for...
...with her sister after the sheriff’s deputy was dispatched and tipped her off that the deputy was on the way. It may be that matter that is still under investigation....
...like a “wall of shame.” “Unfortunately, I think a lot of people see it that way, but from a tax collector standpoint, we see it as a notification.” If paying...
...by either resigning or removing the action item from the agenda. This could be considered compensation, by way of payment for building improvements to a building he owns, which by...
...do not yet exist. Currently, Rock Island does not have any transmission customers; the only way it could serve a customer is by building the project. Rock Island does not...
...are facing due to the States budget matters, and some of those concerns may affect community colleges in this state and students in a big way. For those not familiar...
...yet and will get copies of that contract one way or another. [documentcloud url=”http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3110634-KVAA-Combined.html” sidebar=false text=false pdf=false] . Please consider a donation to the Edgar County Watchdogs. [wp_eStore_donate id=1] ....
...district, otherwise there is only one way for the park district to use public funds in local parks not under their control. We wrote about that in October of last...