...York and New Jersey reallocated two traffic lanes over the George Washington Bridge in a way that increased traffic in the town of Fort Lee—while decreasing it elsewhere. The prosecution’s...
Will Co. (ECWd) – The former Lincoln-Way District 210 Superintendent Lawrence Wyllie has recieved yet another continuance to his criminal prosecution. We outlined the charges in the indictment in this...
...no provision in the law to set two separate compensation schedules depending on which person gets elected to an office. It is illegal to do it this way and I...
...the salt that was given away to the Illinois Railway Museum being managed by Dave Diamond who was the Riley Township Highway Commissioner during the time in question. According to...
...on the criminal investigation of Algonquin Township Road District’s former Highway Commissioner Bob Miller, and the answers provided in Miller’s interrogatory, we find glaring omissions of critical information to include...
...salt give-a-way to the Illinois Rail Museum identifies at least three years where Miller provided Road District salt to the Railway Museum and that the Road District had no resolution...
McHenry Co. (ECWd) – The former Algonquin Township Road District Highway Commissioner was recently required to respond to interrogatories in the lawsuit the Road District brought against him in an...
...and if approved by the highway commissioner, the township board of trustees may employ and fix the compensation of a separate township attorney who shall represent the highway commissioner. Such...