16 May Clark County Park District Commissioners Receiving Illegal "Perks" –
MILL CREEK PARK, IL. (ECWd) - Clark County Park District. This meeting started at 6:00 PM, and went into executive session within a couple minutes. After approximately 2 1/2 hours of executive session and over 30 people waiting to speak, the board came back into open...
National News - ECWd's National Media has picked up the Citizens Arrest article published May 13th at this link. (Click here for citizen arrest article). Breitbart.com Big Government section has picked up the story and has the exclusive video we provided. You can read their full story...
ARCOLA, IL. (ECWd) - The Arcola Township Clerk, Mr. William Coombe, has decided to take it upon himself to violate the Illinois Freedom Of Information Act "FOIA"Â on behalf of the people of the Township of Arcola. You should all be proud of him - he...
CLARK CO., IL. (ECWd) - In the aftermath of a contentious board meeting on May 12, 2014, Kirk Allen has filed a civil suit against the Clark County Park District and its Commissioners for their alleged violation of the Open Meetings Act in which they refused...
CLARK CO., IL. (ECWd) - We the People is a phrase that is suppose to have meaning in our government, as in We The People are in charge, not the public officials elected and/or appointed to represent us. All too often we find public officials who for...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - Monday, May 12, 2014. In yet another alleged illegal executive session of the Edgar County Board, the board discussed the "compensation" that will be given to the reinstated deputies. Somewhere during that conversation, Heltsley stated that he wanted to "stick it to...
ARCOLA, IL. (ECWd) - The  Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor has determined that further inquiry is warranted in the Request for Review I submitted when they did not respond to a Freedom Of Information Act request that I made on April 25, 2014. This information...
ARCOLA, IL. (ECWd) - In a letter dated May 7, 2014 and addressed to William, Bill, Coombes, Arcola Township Clerk, the Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor has determined that further inquiry is warranted in the Request for Review I submitted when they did not respond...
EDGAR CO. (ECWd) - We showed up early to the Edgar County Board Study Session this morning by about 20 minutes. After we were already seated, board member Mike Heltsey came into the room, looked at us, and turned around and left the building. Apparently he left...