21 Dec OK, It is official! Rep. Sandra Pihos flip-flopping on Transparency…
DuPage Co (ECWd) - This report is a factual report. It is not a fabrication or spoof of any kind. It is real! It is factual. It is so real...
DuPage Co (ECWd) - This report is a factual report. It is not a fabrication or spoof of any kind. It is real! It is factual. It is so real...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - Question the public body and demand accountability to the spending, proven to be out of control, and you get accused of being a Nazi. (Click for that coverage here) So what do you call it when the very person who spent 20...
Glenn Ellyn (ECWd) - Is there any recourse for bad advice given to a public body? In reality, it is about billable hours and ensuring they maximize those billable hours in any fashion they can get away with, regardless of the quality of the legal advice being...
Glen Ellyn, IL. (ECWd) - Updated with video of my comments to the board on the subject...
New Hampshire - (ECWd) Many may recall the national coverage of the father who was arrested at his local school board meeting for violating a 2 minute rule when he expressed his concern of the content of a book reading requirement.  As most in this...
Glenn Ellyn, IL. (ECWd) - Edited to include the name of the attorney...
College pf DuPage (ECWd) - From the Illinois Herald: December 19, 2014 Accused DuPage Officials say they are like Holocaust Victims By Mark Wachtler December 19, 2014. Glen Ellyn, IL. (ONN) They’ve been caught funneling tens of millions of dollars to themselves and defrauding taxpayers and students in the...
Vermilion Co., IL. (ECWd) - Photos of the blade replacement in Vermilion County on December 16, 2014. Thanks goes to the photographer for sending these to us. Click to enlarge...
MARSHALL, IL. (ECWd) - In a resignation letter dated December 16, 2014, Beverly Church resigned as Alderman for the 2nd Ward of the City of Marshall. This comes several months after our initial request that she resign due to no longer being qualified as a city alderman....
DuPage Co. (ECWd) - All this whining and complaining about Freedom of Information requests by College of Dupage's President Breuder would make you think his diaper is a month overdue in getting changed. He is all wet! In recent meetings we have been told that Breuder made...