...know more about how local governments in your area are spending your money? Do you think there is waste or fraud in your local governments? Do you want to learn...
...quotes by Farnham, Edgar County Board Member, without fact-checking them. The quote used was in relation to the Edgar County Airport and its solicitation for bids for fuel. Farnham was...
...grant to any person or entity, whether by contract, license, or otherwise, the exclusive right to access and disseminate any public record as defined in this Act. So what we...
...power. The turbines were funded by a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, but the turbines lasted for less than four years and were incredibly costly to...
...the process. In case you want to read up on county and airport zoning, links are provided below. AIR TRANSPORTATION (620 ILCS 25/) Airport Zoning Act. The Airport Zoning Act...
...grants, the airport must be in compliance with previous grant assurances. Since previous work was conducted in violation of the law, then we must assume the use of imminent domain...
...equipment including a 100 kW turbine.” (The turbine portion of this US DoL grant calculates to $457,697.20 per the small print details.) WHAT DO WE HAVE TO SHOW FOR TAXPAYER...
...rating . https://youtu.be/NxVW2wD3nTY . Let’s address Glaser’s bragging points one at a time. Internal controls: MR Bauer Grant & Contract with private attorney – never approved by the board and...
...all meetings that a 25% leverage is needed for the $600,000 grant applied for. This is a $150,000 loan for a $450,000 grant. So, for approximately 2 (two) years, the...
MOLINE, IL. (ECWd) – Are you curious to know more about how local governments in the area are spending your money? Do you think there is waste or fraud in...