...office is vigilant against fraud.” “These charges should send a strong message that this office takes very seriously our responsibility to be an independent truth-telling fiscal watchdog, striving for greater...
...in order to act as village trustee, but that leave of absence was denied, stating that the village could not grant leave of absence to someone who had resigned their...
...would happen in Iroquois County as the current State’s Attorney has yet to prosecute massive public corruption we have exposed for years, to include Grant Fraud, confirmed as Grant Fraud...
...and voting, then why did all of this happen? He signed and submitted the “Live and Learn” grant (and other private grants) from the Sec of State which was used...
...“contract” We believe its sole purpose was to “comply” with a requirement to obtain a grant from the Illinois Secretary of State, Illinois State Library – the requirement was to...
...State? Were there ever any payments made based on the 2014 contract? Are there grounds to allege grant fraud? Is William Thomas a walking, talking conflict of interest in the...
...is current: Fraudulent grant applications Human Rights complaint against the airport and is alleged violation of civil rights with respect to its former prohibition of breastfeeding (former) Airport manager who...
...spend $1 for every $0.84 it gives out in grants. This article exposes just one of the many grants “for the arts” given out by the Illinois Arts Council Agency,...
“How could one woman steal over $53,000,000 without anyone noticing?” The largest municipal fraud case in the history of the United States, and not surprisingly it happened in Illinois, a...
...owned by convicted felon Tony Hu, who is currently serving time in federal prison for fraud and money laundering. Suspiciously, the Orland Park Public Library chose not to include an...