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January 13, 2025

ISBE: D-95 Audit Findings and Monitoring –

Paris, Ill. (ECWd) - The ISBE has provided the following breakdown or its audit findings of District 95's Food Service Account and specifically identified unallowed expenditures and salaries: Unallowed Salaries includes a total of $113,840.00 for the following: principal, custodian, maintenance, business manager, admin assistant, technology,...

Paris, Ill. (ECWd) - According to the Illinois State Board of Education, routine audits have indicated that Paris School District 95 has until June 30, 2023, to address each finding in its final report and pay back the questioned costs and unallowed expenses. We will publish the...

Chicago, Ill. (ECWd) - For Immediate Release:                                                       Contact: June 9, 2023                                                                   ATTORNEY GENERAL RAOUL CHARGES FORMER SANGAMON COUNTY BOARD CANDIDATE WITH PERJURY, FORGERY Chicago – Attorney General Kwame Raoul today announced a former candidate for Sangamon County Board was arraigned on charges he knowingly delivered...
