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March 3, 2025

AG: Naperville Police improperly denied School Shooting 911 call and radio traffic

CHAMPAIGN, IL. (ECWd) - On April 17, 2017, Parkland College's Board of Trustees held what they called an "Emergency" meeting to discuss Ms. Rochelle Harden's decision to neither resign as Professor nor to resign her newly elected position as trustee of the college. Before continuing, it is...

KANKAKEE, IL. (ECWd) - During its June 26, 2017 Kankakee Valley Park District Board of Commissioners meeting, the Board considered and approved Ordinance # 1.75, "AN ORDINANCE ELIMINATING FREE RENTAL OF PARK FACILITIES BY COMMISSIONERS" This is a clear example of how a local public body, when...

CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - A second lawsuit was filed yesterday, July 11, 2017, alleging more Freedom of Information Act violations against the City of Carlinville and its Freedom of Information Act Officer, Carla Brockmeier. ECWd's John Kraft is the Plaintiff. This case is listed in Judici's online database of court...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - Recent reports in the local paper stating that the "taps are back on" for federal funding are turning out to be more fake news.  County Chairman Voigt's assertion these complaints stopped the repairing or replacing the rotating beacon light at the airport...

CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="123"] Carla Brockmeier[/caption] Today, the Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Bureau issued a Binding Opinion # 17-009 (2017 PAC 47126) stating that the City of Carlinville [under the direction of Mayor Deanna Demuzio] and its Freedom of Information Act Officer, Carla Brockmeier, violated...
