...in Hart’s home state of Texas for many reasons, but most notable is their many-year head start. On Nov. 20, 2014, VOTEC’s counsel, James Rome, filed the first vendor protest...
...here for Tribune article) Not only is the Chicago Tribune spot on in their assertions in my opinion, another little fact may lay some foundation to provide even more support...
...states that she needs 13 extra pages to address the numerous counts at issue in the two motions to dismiss (her third response complies with the Local Rules). But that...
...the most well thought out action plans any newly elected officials have acted on. By all indications, they listened to the voters! One matter is permitting the state Auditor General...
...the authorities and not to us. Either way, it does not look good for those folks at COD who are now being criminally investigated by multiple state and federal agencies....
...by the State’s Attorney made no mention of Advantage Sign Installation. This document would indicate that someone knew the importance of contractors having insurance and now the question is why...
...until some people started asking questions that the director finally publicly stated that she in fact wrote a check and gave away two seasonal campsites in exchange for the work....
...Act requesters into submission through “peer pressure”. This is a direct assault on citizens of this State with the full force and resources of a government body. The Park District...
...3rd readings. SB1102: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the State Employee Indemnification Act and the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act. Prohibits the State and local...
...been the source of complaints across the United States. The nighttime noise produced by these machines have led to at least one home abandonment in Vermilion County. Other issues have...