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March 16, 2025

Anonymous Political Campaigns are like Cockroaches; They scatter when the light comes on –

DuPage Co.  (ECWd) - According to a sworn declaration in the Federal court case involving the College of DuPage and its former president, Dr. Robert Breuder, former College of DuPage Trustee Dianne McGuire has leaked privileged information to Cory Atkinson, also a former COD trustee and...

DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) - In the interest of full disclosure of DuPage Township candidates for office among all of the false allegations and insinuations leveled by Bolingbrook's new conspiracy theorist (if you don't think like her you are a domestic terrorist), we will research candidates...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - We first reported on illegal donations to McCann's Campaign in July of 2016, and again the following day after we learned he received campaign donations from a County-owned Hospital. Press Release Former Illinois State Senator, Gubernatorial Candidate Sam McCann Indicted for Alleged Fraudulent Use...

UNITED  STATES - (ECWd) - Former President Donald Trump has filed his Answer to the Article of Impeachment.  Considering the Constitutional is crystal clear on who can be impeached, we wonder if our Constitution matters any longer in this country. Regardless of your position on the former...
