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February 23, 2025

Silly season alive and well – Political candidates that might want to consider a different line of work

Sangamon Co.  (ECWd) - Over a year ago we began investigating self-dealing by the Rochester Fire Protection District Chief, John Archer, who also owns A.E.C., a local fire equipment company. Numerous articles can be found at this link.  Our findings resulted in a criminal investigation that...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - Even after our extensive exposure of payroll malfeasance during the Bob Miller family dynasty operation knows as the Algonquin Township Road District, the local State's Attorney did nothing to hold anyone accountable. Many correctly pointed out that we are not accountants in...

Wesley Township, IL. (ECWd) - After learning of the forged affidavit during a Deposition, Plaintiff Brzana's attorney filed a Motion for Sanctions against Wesley Township for their filing of a forged affidavit and failing to investigate its veracity before filing, and for their spoliation of evidence. Select...

Shelby Co. IL. (ECWd) - We exposed the illegal gun sales by the Shelby County Sheriff over a year ago, including proving that the accounting of the money did not balance with the public records.  As we awaited action that never came from County Board members...
