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March 28, 2025



After several inquiries from across the state, we have put this page together to try and provide assistance to those that are fed up with the status quo.

We will add things here as we have time, if something you are looking for is not here, please ask any questions you have and we will try to answer them.

Now for the disclaimer: We are not attorneys, and cannot offer legal advice. We will offer our opinions, based on reading, comprehension, and experience dealing with local governments.

Right to record Police Officers (IL) – click here

Cannot Sanction Public Official for Disclosing Closed Meeting Discussions

AG Opinion 91-001:

Closed Meetings – What can Be Shared?

Right to Record Open Public Meetings (the Eavesdropping Exception)

Illinois Criminal Code, Article 14: Eavesdropping, Section 14-3(E) – this is in addition to Section 2.05 of the Open Meetings Act:

Sec. 14-3. Exemptions. The following activities shall be exempt from the provisions of this Article:

(e) Recording the proceedings of any meeting required to be open by the Open Meetings Act, as amended;

Recent AG Opinions on Public Comment:

Click here for interesting reading on recent AG Opinions regarding public comment during public meetings..

Public Records on private or personal electronic devices:

This is an interesting binding opinion from the Illinois Attorney General dealing with what constitutes public information on private devices (personal cell phone, personal smart phones, personal email accounts, personal computers, etc.) – and that those public records, on a private device or not, cannot be deleted without approval from the Illinois Local Records Commission pursuant to the Local Records Act.

The Illinois Association of School Boards wrote an excellent article on this subject, and you can read it here.

Interesting Open Meetings Act Stuff

1.  In regards to the “pending litigation” item to close a meeting:

In reference to “pending litigation” and attorney-client privilege for closed meetings…includes general legal advice. See Op. Att’y Gen. (Ill.) Nos. 83-00483-026. Finally, one point must be emphasized — the root of the privilege is confidentiality, and thus any private meeting must be solely between the attorney and the school district authorities. The presence of other parties destroys the privilegeSee In re Busse’s Estate, 332 Ill.App. 258, 75 N.E.2d 36 (2d Dist. 1947).

2.  Rules for public comment during meetings cannot be changed “on-the-fly”.

FOIA Contacts for Illinois State Agencies:

State of Illinois Telephone Directory

Enabling Statutes for Special Districts in Illinois

Illinois Open Meetings Act

Guide to the Open Meetings Act

IL Atty Gen Open Meetings Act FAQ

CITIZEN ADVOCACY CENTER’s:  ——>  Journalist’s Guide to the Illinois Open Meetings Act and Free Speech

Illinois Freedom Of Information Act

AG Pre-Authorization Denial of FOIA Info


SLAPP – Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation – This is what it is called when public officials attempt to file lawsuits claiming defemation/libel or anything else to keep you from exercising your rights to participate in government.

Citizen Participation Act – or the Illinois Anti-SLAPP law.he Citizen Media Law Project has written an article on this subject.

Supreme Court and Appellate Court Opinions (Searchable)


Links to other Laws and Statutes in Illinois

1970 Illinois Constitution and Article VII, VIII, and XIII have been the most useful so far

Illinois Compiled Statutes and the ILCS Alphabetical Listings

Counties Code

Illinois Townships Code

Illinois Municipal Code

Illinois Public Water District Act

Illinois Local Mass Transit District Act

Illinois Register Rules of Government Agencies

Comprehensive listing if Illinois Attorney General Binding Opinions 1971-2018

Compatibility Of Offices

Illinois Attorney General 2012 Binding Opinions

Illinois Schools Code

Illinois Emergency Telephone System (ETSB) (911 Office)

Illinois Election Code and Campaign Finance Search

Hatch Act –

Illinois Property Tax Code – PTAX 1004

Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission – Complaint Form

Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989

Pinal County Arizona Property Search

Good Info from the ISBA

Champaign County Court Records:

Macon County Court Records:
