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March 29, 2025

US Department of Justice

Mississippi (ECWd) - The United States Attorney General is attesting to the interest of the United States in support of Plaintiffs in the federal lawsuit brought by the Temple Baptist Church against the City of Greenville, MS. Greenville, MS. police descended on the church's drive-up service and...

St. Clair County, IL. (ECWd) - We noticed this coming out of Channel 4, KMOV, St. Louis - and one name in particular is very familiar to us. A long list of public officials and employees were indicted today in St. Clair County, Illinois. Read the KMOV article...

Winnebago County - (ECWd) - According to the FBI press release, "Claassen used her position as the approved for payments from Winnebago County to vendors to steal approximately $368,137 from the County.  Claassen further admitted in the plea agreement that from April 15, 2014 to July 1,...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - According to a United States Department of Justice Press Release, dated September 8, 2016, Roy Collin, former director of the Kankakee Valley Park District, was charged with defrauding the Park District. Former Executive Director of Kankakee Valley Park District Charged with Fraud Scheme Springfield, Ill....

United States Vs. Texas (ECWd) - You can ask most any person in Illinois if corruption is a problem in our State Government, and the answer would be yes.  Ask them if they can trust their government, and it's an overwhelming, No.  As we travel throughout this state...
