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March 30, 2025

Don Koonce

Shelby Co.  (ECWd) - The Shelby County Treasurer Erica Firnhaber has filed a Declaratory and Injunctive Relief lawsuit naming Shelby County Sheriff Koonce and State's Attorney Nichole Kroncke as Defendants. "During the course of the last year and previously the Sheriff of Shelby County has entered into...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - The Shelby County Sheriff is now faced with more than just possible criminal charges for the sale of seized weapons and alleged payroll fraud, which we understand a charging decision is in the hands of the Attorney General after Shelby County State's...

Shelby Co. IL. (ECWd) - We exposed the illegal gun sales by the Shelby County Sheriff over a year ago, including proving that the accounting of the money did not balance with the public records.  As we awaited action that never came from County Board members...

Shelby Co. (ECWd) - The onion clearly has many layers in Shelby County, and each time we peel back another layer it exposes more malfeasance and violations of law.  The latest being compensation for the County Sheriff Don Koonce. According to the minutes of the County Board,...
