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March 6, 2025


NAPERVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - At some point, public bodies must be held accountable for their actions. Take the Naperville Park District as an example. The Park District Code specifically states that commissioners shall serve without compensation. Does that statement really need further defining or interpretation? According to their...

DuPage Co. (Naperville) -(ECWd) One of the fundamental requirements to continue to serve as an elected official (or appointed to an elected position) in an Illinois Municipality is to remain qualified for office. There are several ways to become disqualified to hold the office, and those...

NAPERVILLE. IL. (ECWd) - From the Daily-Herald: The authors of a government watchdog website called Illinois Leaks are challenging the eligibility of two Naperville City Council members to serve on the council based on utility bill debts uncovered through a Freedom of Information Act request. According to documents...
