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March 26, 2025

Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County

Vermilion, DuPage, Rock Island, Sangamon, Henry, and Mclean Counties (ECWd) - Updated: 12-27-2019 @ 0910 hrs. to include Henry County and the Kewanee Airport Authority During 2017, 2018, and 2019, we were busy ousting disqualified Airport Authority Commissioners in six separate counties in Illinois. All but two counties...

Rock Island Co., IL. (ECWd) - James Bohnsack decided to resign from the Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County (Quad Cities Airport) after we wrote several articles about his alleged disqualification from that office. did not live within the taxing boundaries of the airport authority statutory...

ROCK ISLAND COUNTY, IL. (ECWd) - This morning, I filed a second complaint alleging James Bohnsack is disqualified from serving as Airport Authority Commissioner. After reviewing his 2018 Statement of Economic Interest, it revealed he was also an appointed Trustee of the Andalusia Fire Protection District -...

ROCK ISLAND CO., IL. (ECWd) - When does insisting laws be followed translate to "turf wars, petty squabbling, mud slinging, and attacking?" When the local newspaper says it does - and especially when they can publish it within days of their target being elected as Rock Island...

ROCK ISLAND CO, IL. (ECWd) - Edited to correct his first name, it is "JAMES" not John. Read the law. Find the qualifications for office. Appoint only those who are qualified. This is not rocket science, and qualifications for the office of Airport Authority Commissioner are spelled out in...
