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March 9, 2025


Illinois  (ECWd) - We were the first to expose the improper expenditures by Frank Mautino and his Campaign Committee clear back in January of 2016, in this article.  Fast forward more than five years and now the Supreme Court of Illinois has confirmed the violation in...

Illinois  (ECWd) - The Illinois Department of Public Health, effective May 17, 2021, has repealed the Emergency Rule created January 4th, 2021. While not the complete description as implied, this is the published langauge in the repeal documentatoin: "This rule required people over age two who are...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - SPRINGFIELD, Illinois – At the request of the U.S. Department of Defense, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has activated approximately 500 Illinois National Guard members in support of the continued security mission in Washington, D.C. The mission in Washington, D.C. will not impact...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - We have obtained copies of what are labeled as Illinois COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Planning Guide, COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook, Mass Vaccination SIREN Form 9-2020, and COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Initial Planning Meeting Agenda - the Agenda is for the McLean County Public...

Illinois  (ECWd) - Voters in Illinois have been receiving a form letter addressed to "Elector" with a concerning claim that the local election authority, which would be your County Clerk, had indicated you have not yet applied for a ballot. As we always ask, Says Who and...
