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March 30, 2025

Clark County

Kankakee Co.(ECWd) - "Springfield, Ill. – A federal grand jury returned an indictment on Sept. 7, that charges Roy Collins, former executive director of the Kankakee Valley Park District, with defrauding the park district and a related not-for-profit organization for his personal benefit. Collins will...

CHAMPAIGN, IL. (ECWd) - WCIA-3 reported on our citizen watchdog training held in Champaign yesterday. It was sponsored by AFP Foundation - Americans For Prosperity Foundation and was a non-partisan 4-hour session on how to monitor local government using the Open Meetings Act, the Freedom Of Information Act,...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - On January 20, 2017, the Illinois Supreme Court issued its Opinion in Board of Education of Springfield School District No. 186 v. The Attorney General of the State of Illinois upholding the Appellate Court's decision to uphold the Circuit Court's decision to...

EDGAR CO., IL. (ECWd) - During the hearing on January 11, 2017, the Court heard arguments from both RIDES Mass Transit District and Edgar County on Edgar County's Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit brought by RIDES-MTD. Judge Glenn heard the Motions and arguments, denied Edgar County's Motion...

OLIVER, IL. (ECWd) - The Clark-Edgar Rural Water District has set its 2017 regular board meeting dates as listed below: CERWD - 2017 Meeting Schedule January 16, 2017          7:00 pm February 20, 2017       7:00 pm March 20, 2017           7:30 pm April 17, 2017             7:30 pm May 15, 2017*            7:30 pm June...
