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February 22, 2025

911 Board

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - During the Edgar County Board meeting this morning, we learned from Karl Farnham that Dale Barkley had submitted his resignation from the Edgar County Airport Advisory Committee. In other business, the Board approved purchasing of a new software package for use with assessments...

Edgar County, IL. (ECWd) - After talking to Edgar County Board Member Karl Farnham this morning prior to the December County Board Meeting, he stated that Nancy Zeman misquoted him in PP article we wrote about last week entitled "Farnham Makes Things Up, Prairie Press Prints...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - Karl Farnham came up with some pretty good excuses, the problem is they are not true. Well, one thing was true, that a lawsuit would have been filed if Sheriff Wood would have been reappointed to the ETSB board. Other than that, everything...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - With absolute disbelief that any person, or group of people, could be so wrong, I read the editorial in this week's Prairie Press on their assumption that "There is no conflict" in Sheriff Jeff Wood being on the Edgar County ETS...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - The issue with the conflicts of interest on the Edgar County Emergency Telephone System Board started over three and a half years ago when we first became aware of the situation. At that time, Sheriff Motley and Deputy Burgin were both...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - Conflict of Interest - More news you heard here first, and most likely nowhere else - Edgar County Sheriff Jeff Wood cannot serve on the Edgar County Emergency Telephone System Board ("ETSB") or ("911 Board") due to a conflict of interest between...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - Early in April we received word that the Sheriff had conducted interviews for the open secretarial position due to the retirement of the previous secretary. In the interview process, the Sheriff invited Nanette Crippes, Edgar County Emergency Telephone System Director, "ETSB", and...

Edgar Co.(ECWd) - To the good citizens of Edgar County, we owe you an apology for thinking we could give your public officials a longer leash to operate from.  It has become clear, once again, that Edgar County officials, specifically county board members this time, simply...
