...to are confident the documents speak for themselves, which is why we published them in this article as it relates to the Sawin scandal at Lincoln-Way D210. Today, the School...
...agreed to not file charges against Sawin. “The Board agrees not to file charges for or to seek the termination of Sawin or to institute any disciplinary measures against Sawin...
...the light that got turned on at Lincoln-Way District 210 and specifically exposed questionable actions by Ron Sawin, now the former Assistant Superintendent. Sawin makes the third person to flee...
Will Co. (ECWd) – “I will fully acknowledge that I identified the wrong commingled deposit on my earlier response” Quote from Ron Sawin FOIA response Let’s start first with the...
...yard work like mowing, raking , weed eating, etc. According to Assistant Superintendent Sawin, the Brickman Group is contracted for yard maintenance and added it to their list without without...
...FOIA response from Ron Sawn, Assistant Superintendent of District 210, revealed an e-mail from Sawin to one of the farmers currently farming a portion of the land owned by the...
...this rental. Why is Mr Sawin listed as the VENDOR in the spread sheet for these rent payments? Costing Taxpayers Money- District property is tax exempt up to the point...
...requested a FOIA for the above mentioned items, then post the FOIA request and the actual response received from Ron Sawin, instead of a supposed cut and paste of what...
...the school also has farm ground leased. Neither of those key facts were disclosed in my FOIA, thus a clear FOIA violation by Ron Sawin. Was Sawin’s failure to comply...
...Sawin attempts to play games with my FOIA. “Based upon the way that your request is worded” ? Who does not understand a request for a copy of minutes approving...