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October 19, 2024

Village Of Dolton Meeting Agenda: Credit Card Spending Freeze, Layoffs, Selling Police Vehicles –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 4, 2024

Dolton, Ill. (ECWd) –

The Village of Dolton Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting on Monday, August 5, 2024, at Dolton Village Hall at 6:15 p.m. – that is, if Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard doesn’t get childish again and lock the trustees out while threatening them with trespass arrest forcing them into the parking lot for the meeting, or invent another power outage which only effects the village hall building.

There is a regular meeting scheduled to follow this special meeting, even though the special meeting agenda is the only agenda listed on the village website for August 5th..

This is sure to be a boisterous, contentious meeting.

Among the agenda items:

  • Dolton Animal Control program and use of animal control vehicle (see our previous article)
  • New Village Credit Card Ordinance
  • Ordinance declaring a village credit card spending freeze
  • Approve settlement of $30,000 in Williams v Dolton federal lawsuit
  • Sell Melanie Fitness Center
  • Remove “Police Department” signage from Melanie Fitness Center
  • Sell the unapproved purchases of three police fleet vehicles (2 Chevy Tahoe and 1 Ford Expedition)
  • Renew Buds Ambulance Contract
  • Review insurance coverage on Dolton v Seat lawsuit
  • Renew 2024 village insurance coverage
  • Discuss current village fines
  • Structured Layoffs and Administrative Leaves “Due To Village Financial Condition”:
    • Public Works Supervisor
    • Code Enforcement Officers (3)
    • Part-Time Housing Director
    • Public Works Part-Time General Laborers (2)
    • Building/Permits Clerk
    • Deputy Police Chief Notice of Administrative Leave

Agenda here:

DOLTON - Special-Board-Meeting-08052024


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  • Jack Tarleton
    Posted at 11:21h, 06 August

    Hey, where did all of these chickens come from, and why are they trying to roost in the board room?

  • Ted Hartke
    Posted at 13:01h, 05 August

    I would like to put in my bid(s) for the Chevy Tahoe(s).

  • Scott L
    Posted at 12:37h, 05 August

    You have once again shown yourselves to completely biased, clearly not professional journalists and surely not “watchdogs of the public” as you purport yourselves to be. A professional journalist would have simply posted the information and not injected personal opinion and once again misogynistic bias against Mayor Henyard. It is absolutely your 1st amendment right to express your opinions of any matter, however express them as what you are, not as a professional watchdog, which you surely are not, as professional watchdogs never inject personal opinions into their reporting of matters. And as to address your previous absolutely unprofessional accusation of me being someone on the payroll of Ms. Henyard, I have not been on the payroll, contract or job for Dolton or Thornton. And as a mater of fact, have never voted for her. But as a human being see your frivolous behaviors as appalling to a woman trying to break barriers and as important, as a taxpayer, am absolutely upset by your FOIA lawsuits that simply at the end of the day are only enriching a rich downtown Chicago law firm that has no business in our community and doesn’t bring 1 dollar of any impact to our community. The feds are doing a fine job checking into matters that we pay with our tax dollars, once again we don’t want or need your interference or input. The law firm doesn’t care about us and you seem only to care about demeaning and harassing someone that is different than you. We keep saying go away, but if you won’t, at least be truthful and don’t portray yourselves as watchdogs, just say what it is, you are expressing your opinion of matters, which is neither a watchdog or journalist.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 22:21h, 05 August

      There will be more FOIA lawsuits on the way because “Mrs. Transparency” won’t provide public records. Those “Chicago lawyers” will get more $$, but, and the most important thing, we will get the records we requested and that the law demands. Do you watch or read any local or national news? She is breaking barriers alright – just not the right ones…

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 11:20h, 05 August

    Almost makes me want to make the drive to be there….
