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July 17, 2024

Chris Patrick & Truth in Conflict yet again!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 13, 2013


In a follow up to the County Highway meeting  just prior to Chris Parick’s resignation we now wonder if it wasn’t good old fashion embarrassment as a reason for resigning.

Mr. Patrick clearly attempted to intimidate and insinuate that Mr. Lawson was wrong in his assertions Zimmerly Ready Mix didn’t have an approved SI Mix as it relates to a decision of purchasing concrete elsewhere.

It took some time getting the information from IDOT (FOIA Request), but it’s pretty clear Zimmerly Ready Mix (AKA Chris Patrick) was aware that the mix did not meet spec, and from all indications as much as the month prior to this meeting.

You see IDOT actually was in communication with them and letting them know that fact!

Steven Price (IDOT):  From May 29th until 1:00pm on June 25th Zimmerly Ready-mix did not have an approved freeze-thaw coarse aggregate. Zimmerly Ready-mix was made aware of this on May 29th. Due to not having an approved freeze-thaw coarse aggregate Zimmerly Ready-mix did not have an approved SI mix design that would meet the requirements of Standard Specification 1004.02 (f). Therefore, on June 17th Zimmerly Ready-mix did not have an approved SI mix that would meet the requirements of Standard Specification 1004.02 (f). The Zimmerly Ready-mix plant in Paris is an approved IDOT plant. On June 24th Zimmerly Ready-mix received shipment of an approved freeze-thaw coarse aggregate. On the morning of June 25th Zimmerly Ready-mix (Zach Patrick) submitted a SI,PV mix design to me for approval. I reviewed the mix and approved it. On June 25th at 1:00pm I hand delivered the approved SI,PV mix design to Zach Patrick. – PROOF

The facts being what they are, I think not only was it appropriate for Chris Patrick to resign, but I think an apology is owed to Mr. Lawson.  At no time did Mr. Lawson state one thing that was not 100% true.  It wasn’t until the day after Mr. Patrick’s attacks on Mr. Lawson that we find an approved mix meeting the specifications and IDOT has confirmed that fact.

Good Riddance Mr. Patrick!


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  • Joe Frigge
    Posted at 18:06h, 13 July Reply

    Zimmerly is history… Not even the Amish are buying his sand mix

      Posted at 21:38h, 14 July Reply


  • James W. Parsley
    Posted at 19:09h, 13 July Reply

    James W. Parsley liked this on Facebook.

  • Charlotte Jane Redmon
    Posted at 20:10h, 13 July Reply

    Charlotte Jane Redmon liked this on Facebook.

  • Barb Roan
    Posted at 20:10h, 13 July Reply

    Barb Roan liked this on Facebook.

  • old
    Posted at 22:49h, 13 July Reply

    Who supplied the concrete for the north drive of Sulfur Springs Woods.

  • Mike Tresner
    Posted at 23:24h, 13 July Reply

    Mike Tresner liked this on Facebook.

  • Judy Pufahl
    Posted at 23:24h, 13 July Reply

    Judy Pufahl liked this on Facebook.

  • Hope Tresner
    Posted at 23:53h, 13 July Reply

    do you people have nothing better to do besides try to ruin an honest mans name, business and family. Chris is the one who needs an apology from you. I think it is time you all grow up and find something productive to do with your lives and leave others alone.

  • Edgar County Watchdogs
    Posted at 05:59h, 14 July Reply

    He ruined it himself and he needs to apologize to everyone in his district. This latest article was about him accusing a public employee of lying about his company, when the fact is his company was WRONG and there were no lies! From the sounds of your statement, you appear to be one of the sheeple that blindly follow whomever stands up and says they are in charge…

  • Del
    Posted at 08:23h, 14 July Reply

    To Hope Tresner – are you for real? Patrick did this to himself – Watch Dogs simply EXPOSED Chris Patricks actions to the public (AKA- Edgar County taxpayers). A big THANK YOU to Edgar County Watchdog, keep up the good work. And I agree – good riddance.

  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 11:14h, 14 July Reply

    One only watch the video where Chris Patrick implies its discrimination for not buying his concrete. One question for Mr. Character himself. If it was purchased from you would it not then be discrimination towards the other business’s that sell concrete?

    Patrick’s logic is all about Patrick. Defend him all you want, the people in this county have had their eyes opened up and we are not taking it anymore!

  • Sandy Richey Hissem
    Posted at 11:54h, 14 July Reply

    Sandy Richey Hissem liked this on Facebook.

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 15:23h, 14 July Reply

    The document you attached from Steven Price (IDOT) leaves no doubt that Chris knew his corporation and his mix designs had not been approved. Clearly, at time of this study session they were not approved by IDOT. Thank goodness, we can FOIA our government for documents such as this.
    Knowing this, he then used his position as a county board chairperson (and this meeting) as a platform in which to viciously attack our County Highway Engineer for stating the same and for demanding greater purchases of concrete from his corporation.
    Aaron simply told the truth. On the other hand, Chris, through an intimidating rant was desperately trying to shift public perception against our County Engineer and to disparage him, but for what? For telling the truth!
    Aaron clearly and openly stated his reasons and the lengths he went through in reaching those decisions. They included discussions with board members and our county state’s attorney. Aaron is working at a higher level and standard. Thank you, Aaron.
    If you’re wondering how low a person can really go, this may be a good example to draw from. With this out in the open, some residents may find it easier to understand the problems associated with the ongoing airport situation. He was after all, on that board for quite a number of years and leaves behind several likeminded compatriots equally willing to cross the lines of ethics, morality and/or the laws which govern our state.
    The airport manager is one of those likeminded compatriots. Local aviator’s confidence has been shattered by his attempts to expand his powers and by the clear abuse he most recently demonstrated in the T-hanger lease demands. (Board members have stepped in to stop that). Many residents favor his removal simply because he’s no longer trustworthy; as proven by his past deeds and actions. So my question is, why not?

    Posted at 21:35h, 14 July Reply


    Posted at 21:42h, 14 July Reply


    • jmkraft
      Posted at 21:56h, 14 July Reply

      OK Mike, no need to keep repeating yourself…

  • paver
    Posted at 07:56h, 16 July Reply

    ok you got cris out of office now stop pounding his business

  • Old
    Posted at 22:39h, 20 July Reply

    Replacing elevator at Horace, who is suppling the concrete for this project? Am I just imagineing it or do I not see Zimmerly concrete trucks on the roads alot?

  • Rural
    Posted at 14:09h, 15 August Reply

    After some looking into this I have found that it was indeed Mr Lawson’s responsibilty to get the mix to IDOT. I was also informed that the rock without freezethaw rating is a red herring because the job that Lawson was going to do didn’t require that type of rock. (call IDOT they will confirm) This article takes documents and circumstances that aren’t relevant and twists them to make zimmerly sound bad. Your PROOF is in fact wrong and it looks as though the apology should come from aron lawson and the watchdogs. What is stated here is information twisted into lies. Prove me wrong. Lawson has already agreed to questions that prove this article wrong. Truth and accountability huh?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 17:05h, 15 August Reply

      This article as written is not wrong.
      Aaron Lawson DID NOT agree to any questions from Zimmerley that proved anything he said during the meeting in question was wrong.
      Prove me wrong.

  • Paul
    Posted at 12:10h, 16 August Reply

    Here is the article that was in the paper:

    Lawson does concur with the statements read to him. This does contradict the articles on this website. I thought this might be useful information, so you don’t continue the spread of misinformation. I know your organization promotes truth and accountability. This would include the addressing of mistakes made while printing an article.

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